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Emma Watson Fanclub

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Only my Railgun
This was approved by PsiUmbreon.


1. No bashing other users or any pictures etc.
2. No porn.
3. Don't say the club sucks or you will be at risk of being removed from the club list.
4. Keep on topic you don't want to end up spamming the thread up.
5. Discuss Emma Watson related matters only.
6. Pics are acceptable.

Fact: Emma Watson plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series.

Owner: Danny3165

If you would like to make banners for the club please do so.

Question: How long have you been an Emma Watson Fan.


Some pictures:

Ready to accept members.
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Graphics Fan
can i join i like all 4 movies that she plays in

BTW- DO u need a co-owner if so can i do the co-owner

Kasumi Christie

Kate! *Clings*
Hey, I'd like to join! I love Emma Watson, I've been a fan since I saw her in "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" ^^

Someone really needs to liven this club up..>>;
^ Nice. I'll have to join! She's my favourite actress. If I can join I'll make a banner or two.

Heres a pic fromm the Elle Girl photoshoot.


I love that photoshoot, some awesome poses aswell.

Blaziken Ruler

chu starin at?
Shaolin Monkey said:
Katie Leung is hotter.

SM Out

Dude,this is the Emma Watson Club.If you think that Katie Leung is hotter or better then why dont you form your own club about her rather than expressing your views about her here.


can i join and i know her e-mail adress, she is hot, but she hates all you messed up perverts

and as for katie leung, I have ntot yer seen gof so I'll give her another movie to shapen up
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