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Enhanced Wii to come out in Japan next year and One more big secret left!


first with the big secret...
Game on Revolution said:
Huge props to Metaldave for this news story!!! Below is a quote taken from a recent Q and A with Gamepro magazine. It seems as though our Wii may be hiding one more secret.....

Q I recently went into a GameStop store to see if they had a Wii Kiosk and pick up the new Splinter Cell. While I was in there, I began to discuss the Wii system with the manager of the store. He explained Nintendo recently held a GameStop Managers kind of meet and greet for the Wii, with Reggie present. He also said Reggie announced their is still one more big secret left on the Wii, which will be revealed around launch. I called another store and the manager there said Reggie did in fact say such a thing. My question is have you heard any of this? Do you have any speculation as to what it may be? I have heard it is potentially a graphics solution or a camera attachment.

A: Wow, you're up on your stuff. I can confirm that there was a GameStop retreat and Reggie did in fact say there will be another big Wii revelation around launch time.

My Thoughts:
Online. I personally think that the big secret will have something to do with their online component of the Nintendo Wii. The online part of Wii still remains much of a mystery and seems to be a logical choice for the "secret".

My next guess: a new game has been in development for Wii and will be a HUGE surprise for gamers everywhere. Couple this with the recent rumors of Sega having a Wii title in development and we may have our secret. Let the speculation resume. As always I will be following this as it unfolds so keep it here. Game ON!

and for the Enhanced Wii from Aussie-Nintendo and other news:
Aussie-Nintendo said:
Nintendo plans enhanced Wii, teams with CNN for news

29 Oct 2006 - A few new Wii details surface, including hints at a superior version of the console being in development.

According to the latest edition of overseas magazine, Edge, Nintendo is developing an 'enhanced' version of its Wii console, equipped with DVD playback capabilities, which will launch in Japan next year.

The magazine also claims that Nintendo has struck a deal with CNN, which will see the leading news outlet deliver American and Japanese content to the Wii News Channel. In addition to this, it is said that news will be presented via categories, and that users will be able to trawl the 3D globe (just as with the Forecast Channel) and hone in on news from specific parts of the world.

Nintendo intended to launch the Wii in North America for around US$200, or £150 in the UK, however concerns were apparently raised by larger retail chains, who were dissatisfied with the lack of profit to be made.

Sega has also reportedly moved a large portion of its employees from PlayStation 3 development to Wii projects. Meanwhile, Edge boldly suggests that Wii Sports will be 'the Super Mario 64' of the Wii.

Finally, in an interview with the magazine, Laurent Fischer, Marketing Director at Nintendo of Europe, expressed his belief that the Wii will not be an immediate, run-away success, and that it will instead slowly gain momentum following advertising and word of mouth.

And there is also a rumour that it is going to have better graphics that the Xbox 360...
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Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but they're gonna make enough outta the Wii anyway...why confirm another one so soon? I mean, it hasn't even been released yet...

I don't actually see this "new Wii" thing happening.


Sounds good, but yeah, it's too soon. I don't want a new Wii to come out soon after I've queued for hours and gotten my Wii on launch day, at least wait a year or two.

EDIT: They could call it the Wii Wii!
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Kazuki Mirai

Well-Known Member
Hm. It really reminds me of how Nintendo enhances their handheld consoles, it's pretty weird to hear that they would enhance their game console. I wonder what would they name this "enhanced" Wii if they even make it.

Captain Brain

Well-Known Member
My theory is that this new "Wii" will just be a standard Wii with a purchasable attachment, this "attachment" will just come in a packaged deal with the Wii. This could be very similar to the disk loader on the NES that was made by Sony. ;025;


wow why so soon i mean really the Wii isn't even released well this is good news though more people will love the Wii and hate the PS3
They started devoloping the Wii or Revolution Just before Gamecube was released, so they had lots of time to work on it


Super Gamer
For one - I wouldn't buy an enhanced Wii for DVD Playback. Once again, it's specifically a Gaming Console. Besides, I already own a DVD Player, I also have one in my computer - what do I need one in the Wii for?



You're Illegal
I don't care about this, it has no effect on me, and I don't need to buy the newest enhanced thing like some people, i'm getting the regular Wii.
But it doesn't need to play DVDs you should have 4 in your house already XD oh god


Hoenn Champion
Well, I think that it may just end up been something that stays in Japan, or is released for a very limited time outised of Japan. I doubt that I will be getting it.

About this big secret, I wonder what it could be. It will be good for them to have one last suprise before the release. I just wonder what it is. Oh well, it could be revealed anytime now, as it is around launch.

After looking at those pictures in that link from Latios, I never really noticed how much of a difference there was. Especially in the Mario one. I never really noticed how different they were.
wow why so soon i mean really the Wii isn't even released well this is good news though more people will love the Wii and hate the PS3

Ok we get it you don't like the PS3, your stepping into that "troll" line now, calm it down.


Well-Known Member
I saw it coming. They're making the Wii the console DS, mainly becuase the DS is so popular, so an "update" was due anyway. Although this is a bit soon.


Well-Known Member
And there is also a rumour that it is going to have better graphics that the Xbox 360...
That would be the best thing ever. But I doubt it. From what I've seen (which actually isn't a lot), it might not even have graphics near what the Xbox 360 has.
Resolution is not the only thing keeping Wii graphics from Xbox/PS3's levels Latios...


This just reminds me of the Q. Nintendo struck a deal with Panasonic to produce a special Gamecube with a DVD player built in...