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Enviroments and your fic


I hope I spelt the title right...

Anyway, Envioments play a large (but not very well spoken) role in cetain kinds of fan fiction (Most often journey fics). Diffrent enviroments present new problems for the Protagonists to overcome, new places to explore, and diffrent characters to interact with.

Enviroments also help make fics more intresting, I mean, a journey fic where the main character has to make his way through a dense jungle, climb a snowy mountian, and cross a vast desert just to get to the first city, would be far more intresting than a fic where all that seprates the towns and citys is a giant, featureless salt plane.

Diffrent enviroments also mean diffrent Pokemon for the main characters to find (And possibly catch). A Rainforest could be home to a gang of troublemaking Treecko, A coral reef could be the scene of a mating display of certain water Pokemon. A high mountain could be the home of a legendary Pokemon.

I could go on all day about the possibiltys each and every enviroment presents, but to save you some time, I won't. So, disscuss stuff about enviroments in your fics here. Have fun.

*Crosses fingers and hopes this is an intelligent subject.*


The Compromise
...My character lives in the suburbs of Goldenrod, which I've... Re-arranged a little. XD The gap between her home and the unknown mountains is now separated by rolling hills, with the occasional forest. Not very big hills, more like little lumps in the ground, but most certainly not flat. She likes to go walking, ya see. =D


In "Heart of the Sea", most of the enviroment that took place is...the sea! =P The reason I did that is because the main character is a Pokemon fisherman and he loves to fish. Also, I did that to show that the sea can be both peaceful and diasterous! =D

In "Nothing, Everything", most of the environment will be cities, a big forest, and an ocean. ^O^

;134;~Good night, and good luck~


Really and truly
Environment. Say it with me now, environment.
If you’re not sure about a word, spell-check it. Especially if that word is the main focus of the thread. -.-

But really, I don’t quite get the point in this thread. Heck, I’m not even sure what you’re asking of us. Is it just like ‘tell us about the environment of your fic lololololol’ or are we supposed to debate the fact that such-and-such environment should only have this-and-that in them even though so-and-so might think that it can only have that-and-this? I mean, anyone can just rant about the environments of their fic, but is there really a point in doing so?

Not to offend or anything. I just find this a bit…pointless. *shrugs*

So, on to the topic at hand…what do I have to say about my environments? *ponders*

Well, the main problem is my lack of fics at the moment. ^^; I have a bunch in-the-making (mostly One-Shots) but for some of them giving away the locations could really spoil them. :/

In my first ever fic which I plan to bring back at some point in time, The Mutations, it took place…somewhere. One of the characters (they’re all Pokémon, mind you) came from the Ice Path, but the other characters are mostly from the area where the story starts off- a large forest inhabited by Pokémon like Spearow, Butterfree, Oddish and Trapinch, and few humans ever pass through because it’s so far from any cities or towns.

My One-Shot really only took place in the middle of the ocean. Nothing special, except for the lone Lapras who was the main focus of Cries in the Dark…

A fic I’m currently writing and make a preview for takes place- well, if I told you everything would be given away. Basically, it’s by the ocean, the beginning taking place on a cliff overlooking it.

Oh, my tribute One-Shot for my friend. That’s taking place in one of the more hustling cities that is just like ours in that the kids go to school, parents go to work, teenagers go to clubs, not everyone who owns a Pokémon is a Trainer and petty thieves (who DO NOT belong to any Team or secret organization, tyvm) run about.
This one is also in the making,

I have lots that I’m working on, many of which where the characters are all Pokémon, that take place is forests and such, either far away from humans or just on a Route from one place to another, one of the few exceptions being in a wide, open plain and other near a Pokémon Center. These places are always full of life, though sometimes it’s quiet, sometimes loud, depending on the mood I want to set. Also, some take place in the day-time, one at dusk and one goes into the night, the weather being clear in all of them except for one.

Please excuse the ‘mysterious’ (more like vague) natures of my description- I’m just trying not to spoil anything. In a lot of my stories, where it takes place is very important and plays a huge role in the way the story plays out.

Environments can be used in so many ways to do so many things, and by using and describing them properly, you can really make a reader feel as if they’re in the story, standing next to the characters and seeing and feeling whatever they’re seeing and feeling. The usage of sound, light, weather, everything, can be used and together can make any place seem real, which, if you think about it, is the writer's main goal.
You know your story is good when that happens. ^.~



Well-Known Member
My descriptions of the environment come from the anime, as I'm sorry to say is true, is where my fic takes place. (I practiced writing fics by using the Pokémon anime as my guide.) Not only does it help me visualize the location in my head, it also allows me to see it if I forget it, by looking back at the episodes. (And no worries, there is no meeting of Ash in this fic.)

That said, I really don't get why cities being connected by flat routes is such a bad thing. If you take a look at the Pokémon types that live on those routes...well, you ceretainly won't see a Rattata living on a mountain.

<.< Or something.

What I'm saying is is that there can't really be a set rule for what sort of outside environments one allows into their fic. It's up to the author to decide. If they have the need for a river in the forest, then so be it. And if it falls on the route between two cities, then that is no reason to judge a story. Sure, it would be much more interesting to read about the main character crossing trecherous deserts, high mountains, and steamy jungles in which food comes scarce, but there comes a point where you have to wonder "Why did they place so much dangerous terrain between towns?" It's bad for business, travel, ten-year-old kids starting their journies, not to mention your readers will wonder "Okay, yeah, it's interesting and all, but...why not move on the plot?"

I'm of the school of thought of "if you need it, put it there." Thus, I did have a river in a forest because I needed a river in a forest. And bleh on the rest of you if anyone thinks that it is boring because it's so easy to get from the first city to the next.


Bird Master
I think the environment isn't just the scenerey but also the atmosphere in the fic. Building it up, however briefly is just as important as the character. Of course there are lots of times the environment doesn't need detail, ala if the characters about to leave on a Pokemon journey spending infinite time describing their bedroom is a waste of time but see it all too often.

As for my landscapes, I know I'm going to have infinite fun because my fic is based on a delivery company that goes around the world so for me the fun is limitless. However most of my landscapes come back to Australian deserts and scrub I know best. I take a more realistic approach to it simply because I can picture it better. Now gorgeous crystal blue lakes, more dingy brownish water with tree branches and leeches kind of thing.

Matt Silver

Rest My Chemistry
In Annoh Cycle (coming soon...) I have number of environments:

* An underwater train/tracks
* A railroad through a forest
* A set of farmland
* (My favourite) A forest with two floors. A forest underneath the forest kind of thing. (That idea came from a book called Deltora's Quest)

As for the pokemon found...I dont know, I'll just make it up as I go :p

Arcanine Royale

Well-Known Member
Well, when journeying, one would, with a 99% chance, all types of weather for a given region. Hoenn, for example, probably never ever snows. Nor, most likely, does it hail either. So, that leaves rain of all varieties, plus full cloudiness to cloudlessness.

So, for climate, it should be dependent upon the setting of your region, figuring that Hoenn corresponds to Kyushyu or Shikoku (not sure) and Kanto/Johto mainland, Shinou as Hokkaido, I'm figuring.

But climate is only a small part of environment.

Environment is important, as one of the traditional types of conflicts is man vs. nature . Weather and terrain, when extremely treacherous or hard to overcome, can add to the climax, for example, if the main character is chasing someone or something, or being chased, or racing for something.