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Bit by bit...
as the enviroments are destructable do you think they will have a major effect on the gameplay? like if its raining fire pokemon lose 2 hp per turn or something like that


Just me
That's not exactly destructable environments, it's a change in game mechanics...

And as I strongly think this game would have the same mechanics as Diamond and Pearl, I doubt something like that would happen. Sure, destructable environments are cool-looking, but I doubt they'd affect the battle.

Manafi's Dream

That won't happen. I know this is off topic, but do you think they'll actually put in HMs?


major effects won't happen


Sprout Aficionado
Well, rain does make fire attacks weaker, but no damage is dealt. I doubt the destructive environments will do much. I'm still waiting for the day placement of the Pokemon on the field will be implemented. Such as an arena with water giving advantages to water Pokemon and such...or getting height by climbing rocks. But that'll probably not even be thought of for some time.


Knight of Oblivion
i think that the moves you use will affect how the battlefield look...

like scorch marks when thunder hits or puddles of water when rain dance is used...


Borderline Troll
That's not exactly destructable environments, it's a change in game mechanics...

And as I strongly think this game would have the same mechanics as Diamond and Pearl, I doubt something like that would happen. Sure, destructable environments are cool-looking, but I doubt they'd affect the battle.

It's happened in a trailer.


OG Trainer
Destructo enviroments will be cool but I think that it will also be cool if weather effects slightly affected certain types. Im only liking the idea because it adds to the realism of the game.