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Eon ticket,what is it?

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Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
I have read on cheat sites to get the other lati@s in emerald you need the eon ticket,what is it and how do you get it?

Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
The eon ticket is a special item that you get at Nintendo events. if you have a friend with the eon ticket, then you can mix records with him/her, and you can get it onto your game. You have to have beaten the game to use it, though. Once you get it, go to the port in Lilycove, and the lady will notice the ticket, you get on the boat, it will leave, and you'll arrive at Southern Island, and there will be an egg. talk to it, and you will fight the Lati@s that you did not choose on TV. Ruby: Latias, Sapphire: Latios, and Emerald: (which ever color you did not choose. There's no green one in this game. lol)
You only get once chance, though, so save before you go, to assure your victory.

king krab kingler

If one of your friends have it yes...IF You Haven't got any friends,no! joking.
You can get it if you go to a nintendo event or mix records with some-one who has it!


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Here's our sticky on the Eon Ticket:


While the Eon Ticket was given out at "Nintendo events" in the UK, it was originally an e-card that you scan into your game. It was obtainable in an issue of Nintendo Power magazine, and now you can find the Tickets on ebay and such.

If you have any more questions, please ask in the sticky.

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