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Eon ticket

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Well-Known Member
When you get the eon ticket, and you save in front of lati@s, is there a chance that it will be shiny, like how some people get shiny mewtwo's? I guess I am trying to say, will it always be the same, or does it change every time that you battle it?


Well-Known Member
Do you have to soft reset? Or can you hard reset?

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
You can do either. But soft reseting is preffered because it's quicker.
Yay! Rank up!

Lugia Aeroblast

FR E-4champ 23:56:33
how do u get the eon ticket? my freind got a shiny latias and traded it to me because he was going to sell his game, but i dont know where u get the eon ticket.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
The Eon Ticket was originally available in an issue of Nintendo Power, and I believe it was given out at a few Nintendo events around that time as well. It's an e-card, so you can probably find them on ebay and such now.

Please ask all future shiny-related questions in the shiny sticky:



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