6th ep creation (and after more than many months...lol)
Well, i haven't seen the preview yet. But was told about a Crawdaunt in this ep.
The big question is Ash's corpish in it's evolved form?
Or is it just some trainers Crawdaunt? Or has suddenly Team Aqua appeared in Kanto Region?
Well, my thoughts are that it is most likely a trainer's Crawdaunt...
What are your thoughts on this EP, and Crawdaunt?
More info later...*i'll edit*
Well, i haven't seen the preview yet. But was told about a Crawdaunt in this ep.
The big question is Ash's corpish in it's evolved form?
Or is it just some trainers Crawdaunt? Or has suddenly Team Aqua appeared in Kanto Region?
Well, my thoughts are that it is most likely a trainer's Crawdaunt...
What are your thoughts on this EP, and Crawdaunt?
More info later...*i'll edit*