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Erm... Yeh


Just a guy
Hi erm... I'm new.

I'm Sappy... Erm... Hi



Josh trainer
Welcome, have fun here. Here are some useful links, take a look at them:

Rules - Read them and follow them.

- Check here if you have any questions. Very useful.

Search - Use it if you're looking for something. And also, before making a thread, check if there's one like it already.

User Ranks - Many members ask about them, so look before you ask.

User CP - Change your avatar, signature and profile here.

Signature Rules - Don't break them, or staff members may delete your signature. If you want to check your sig, go to the Signature Check Thread.

Fan Art Requests - This is where you can request the ever-wanted trainer cards, among others.


Just a guy
Thanks, why are Trainer Cards popular? o.o Nothing Specail just a quite easy sprite and if they were going to update it with their Team every minute by the time they've made it they want to edit it again. Oh well they're opinion to waste time o.o Oh well... Thanks for the link ^^ Off to read the rules ^^


Memories in the Rain
o_O Why ARE Trainer cards popluar...?

...meh, I'll never know. :/ *shrugs*

*AHEM* Anyway, I gladly welcome you to the great forum that is Serebii.net forums. I hope you'll enjoy you time while you're here, and adhereby to the rules well. Don't wanna get on the mods bad side, wouldn't you? ^^

Knightblazer ;262;