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EV corrections


Well-Known Member
When you get your Pokemon to level 100, and may notice an error in your training, can that be trained. I gave my Sceptile the berry to lower the stat I wanted to lower and replaced with the EVs I wanted and put it in the box and it never recalculated the stats they didnt change. And the effort lady won't tell me anything because he already had a ribbon. Am I doing something wrong?


Good at Life.
Yeah .. ANYTIME BEFORE level 100 and you're good, but if you are at Level 100 and those EV stats show up for you, you can't do a thing about what's there.

If it helps at all, the berries don't change THAT MUCH in the non-Speed stats, so you're almost definitely not in bad shape at all.


Master Breeder
once it's level 100, there is no way other than vitamins to gain EVs. so, unless the stat that was too low was planned to have EVs of 100 or less, you're SOL.