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EV Distribution

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I have no idea where else to post it.

Now, there's a 510 point max on EV's right? But 510 doesn't divide by 4 - every 4 EV's equals 1 stat point. So you're always going to have 2 wasted EV's right? What the heck is the point of that? Why didn't Game Freak make the max 512 or something? I'm looking for a way to divide the 510 points over 3 stats so that all the points are used in 4's and none are wasted, but I can't do that can I?


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
the most common distribution is 252 252 6 in the chosen stats


Natsu no Maboroshi
I sometimes use 252, 127, 127