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EV help for a flaming monkey

Here is a Infernape I am thinking of making

Nature: (not too worried about this)
item: Life orb

Move1: Nasty Plot
Move2: Flamethrower:
Move3: Gass Knot
Move4: Stone edge

I need help with the EV's, I know I want them in SpAtk, Atk (probabbly a little more then SpAtk so Stone edge has some power behind it), and Spd; and I was wondering if it would be possible to OTK Gyrados if I had the stats to pull it off


Well-Known Member
Can you read? This subforum is for Teams only!

Go to the Complete Moveset Thread in the DP section for individual pokemon.
no, did you not notice that I am not the only person who does this, and this is a Competitive forum not just for teams hence the / in the title it is for all things combetitive not just teams otherwise it would say teams only

the q

no, did you not notice that I am not the only person who does this, and this is a Competitive forum not just for teams hence the / in the title it is for all things combetitive not just teams otherwise it would say teams only

It does say "Team Rate" in the name for rating teams, hence the "Team Rate" in the title. The / denotes Competative Team Rate and Online Team Rate.


Bona fide Narutard.
Referring people to that topic is ********.

People all use the Japanese names, crappy movesets and it's basically just one huge wall of spam.


so it's basically SPPf on an average day?


Bona fide Narutard.
Touché. Some day I'll compile a list of decent movesets for most pokemon in OU play.


Bona fide Narutard.
Infernape @ Life Orb
Naive Nature
224 Sp.Atk / 232 Spd / 52 Atk
- Close Combat
- Flamethrower
- Grass Knot
- Nasty Plot


Well-Known Member
Touché. Some day I'll compile a list of decent movesets for most pokemon in OU play.
Or you'll just give people the link to Smogon.