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Ev Help with Blissey, Umbreon and Skarmory


Well-Known Member
what nature and where do i put the evs on standard blissey? (thunderwave one)
edit: and the same with old standard skarmory and this umbreon
Double Team
Baton Pass
Confuse ray
skarmory- impish; max hp, enough for 400 def, and either:
-200 atk; rest speed
-rest in spdef

bliss- bold, max hp max def rest in spdef

umbreon- dt is frowned upon, but max hp, sassy (iirc), and split between defenses or max def and rest in sdef


Well-Known Member
thats why it is a general rule to have Aerial Ace on atleast one team member although DP makes that way easier with the new typed ones


Bold is standard on Umbreon iirc. Sometimes people do pump up its Spd a bit to allow it to trap and pass quicker.

Double Team reflects no skill whatsoever, that is why it is banned from competitive play here.