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ev points, my finaol quistion!

ok so if your traiining a pokemon in ev speed and attack, and u give them ten proteins and carbos thats 100 speed evs and 100 attack evs... now if i levl the pokemon up to levl 95 usin rare candies then train and get the rest of the evs will the pokemon gain all the extra evs in the next five levels???
but i used rare cadies on my azumaril to levl 99 then gave it ten proteins and carbos and it still onli gained 3 in each stat???


Completing The Trio
but i used rare cadies on my azumaril to levl 99 then gave it ten proteins and carbos and it still onli gained 3 in each stat???

thats because you failed to level it up, ev gain is not fully calculated until you level up your pokemon
yea then i gave it its final rare candie and it jus went up 3!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... i have a lv 1 Gible that i want to EV train in Atk and Speed... i want to know all the limits there is on EV training. Can someone explain it to me? The Gible is jolly and should i give it 10 calcium and protien to start off?
I plan to level it only on raticates/fearows/golbats for speed and gyrados for atk.


Completing The Trio
ok give your gible 10 of vitamin C and P.

then train against golbat/fearow/raticates{they each give 2 EV's so you'll need to face 76}, then face 76 gyarados and kill them all and thats your EV training done, from then on you can either raise it to level 100 on rare candies or you could just face other wild pokemon{this will not add further EV's or erase any}


Well-Known Member
I see all the time people with EVs like 256/256/8 so my question is after the 76 speed battles and 76 atk battles will i have room for a few more EVs?
(thanks a ton for doing the math for me btw!)