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Ev question.

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Fatal Advent

<-- ....D:
I am taking a bit of a cheap way out in my Ruby...I want my Sceptile lvl 100. To put it simply, I have, er, plenty of carbos, calcium, iron, zinc, etc...all the stat boosting stuff.

I know you can only give 10 to a stat, but that is my problem. I only had to give 8 carbos to my Sceptile, and it said it wouldn't take any more. Does that mean the EV's are maxed out? If they already are, I can begin to work on SP Att, that took 10 and I still need more -.-

Ah, and, if the Speed EV's are maxed out, hypothedically, if I just Rare candied it to lvl 100, would it reach it's max Speed? Because the EV's are already full...does it take the EV's into account?

Lord Scalgon

What title?
Well...vitamins won't work as long as EV's hit 100 or above.

As for your Sceptile, you must have gained other speed EV's from other pokemon you've battled. So that pretty much explains why you used only 8 Carbos. But that doesn't mean your speed EV is maxed out. Once you hit 252 EV's in a stat, stop there, move on to another stat.

For example, if I were to EV train a Houndoom, I'd give it 252 EV's in Sp. Atk and Speed, and 6 EV's in HP.

10 Calciums + Battling Spindas (East of Fallarbor)
10 Carbos + Battling Golbats (Meteor Falls)

Hopefully you'll get what I'm saying.
EVs don't work at Lv.100

Fatal Advent

<-- ....D:
The bad thing is I lost track of my EV's -.- I'm gonna breed later after I beat the E4. For now I just give it vitamins and rare candies, the cheap way out, and breed later xD

Er, giving it everstone passes on nature? I have Timid, the 2nd best nature for Sceptile.
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