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ev training query

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Completing The Trio
i have been ev training my charmader in fire red using this method

i battle only pidgey and rattata on route 1

they each give 1 ev per battle

i have my scyther in lead position

charmander holding exp .share

so my charmander should be getting 1 ev per battle as well, my charmander was at level 10 it took 16 battles to get him to level 11, so there should have been a speed increase of at least 4, however my charmander only got +2 speed whe it leveled up,

could someone please be kind enough to explain why this happened without linking me to another thread


Beginning Trainer
I had similar trouble with my staryu but I think it evens out as you raise through the levels might not even out fully untill lvl 100 though, if you you want to train it faster get a macho brace and use him as your first pokémon, I hear theres one where Giovanni was in the gym havent checked this out yet though. I heard that yo have to use Itemfinder on the spot exactly where he was.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Sorry to do exactly what you didn't want, but all EV-related questions belong in the 3rd gen EV FAQ sticky:


VERY IMPORTANT—Stat gain from EVs is NOT added up all at once, but gradually as your Pokemon gains levels. At LV 100, your Pokemon will have all the stat gain from EVs it is supposed to, but you may not see large stat gains all at once. For example, if you have a low level Pokemon battle 20 Zubat, you will not necessarily see a +5 gain when it levels up. However, you probably WILL see this kind of gain in a LV 50 Pokemon that’s just starting to battle.

If you're still confused, you can post in the thread linked. Again, sorry, but that's what the FAQs are for...

-Answered, closed
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