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EV Training Question


Orange Champion
*Ducks to avoid flying objects*

Now before everyone jumps on me to look at the threads dedicated to this subject, I already looked there and couldn't find the answers that I'm looking for. Here is the question:

Is there a differance if I start EV training a Pkmn at level 5 or at level 60 (or what have you)? Will they be stronger if raised from a lower level or does it make a differance at all?


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No, Pokemon trained from L60 for EVs can still gain full benefit
Thats how you can get Mewtwos and Rayquazas to still have max stats at
L100 even though you can only catch them at 70
Level sixty pokemon die to level seventy pokemon so it's a good idea to use evs. With that and some hax you can beat even the toughest level eighties.


prophecy fulfilled
lol ct

anyway it makes no difference