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EV Training


Venusaur The Best
I have been doing Ev training for some of my pokemon and to be honest i can't see much difference in there stats when they level up. So i was wondering what is the best stat you have ever had put up because of Ev training to see if its worth. e.g Defence + ???

Shadow the Hedgehog

Special attack + 22 or so.

Mewtwo on NOTHING but Spinda. Also with Pokerus and Macho Brace.

Grass Guardian

Rags to Riches
Well their stats don't start shooting up until they reach, say, their 50's. That's done on purpose so you can't get super powerful pokemon at the beginning of the game and then just breeze through.

As for me, the most I get them to level up at once is only about 7, but it happens frequently. I've never gotten anything above that all at once.


Venusaur The Best
Ok thanks i see now its because i've been doing it with new born pokemon till they are like lvl 30 thanks one more question though in Emerald can you name a good defence place to train?

Grass Guardian

Rags to Riches
Defense: Sandshrew/Skarmory on Route 119. The spot with all the falling ash.


If you scroll down near the bottom, there's a list of good places to to EV train for certain stats.


Venusaur The Best
I've looked at it but it is pants to be honest because you get a spinda 9/10 times in the falling ash place so it wont do much good for a hitmonlee


I got Walrein to get a HUGE HP up in Sapphire, but its stolen. ;-;

Do you guys EV train your Pokemon all the way to level 100? I never really knew when to stop...


Shadow the Hedgehog

You just have to go to the lady in Slateport. She is hanging out with the Energy Guru. She will give you an effort ribbon if you are out of available EV's.

Grass Guardian

Rags to Riches
I got Walrein to get a HUGE HP up in Sapphire, but its stolen. ;-;

Do you guys EV train your Pokemon all the way to level 100? I never really knew when to stop...


The max amount of EVs a pokemon can have is 510, according to Serebii. I haven't read that guide in forever. I always thought it was 504. Hmm...

Flame Haze SnS

This here is your friend Just helping to know how to do EVs...

Few months ago, I used to train Regice for EVs training on Sp.Attack against Spinda and once it leveled up it shoots up to around 20 stat of Sp.Attack. Didn't used Regice anymore. :/


Ohhhh, the energy guru lady. I kept EV training Wally (my Walrein) until level 70-80. o_O It was so tiring... About what level, assuming you are just maxing out your EVs, will the EVs stop building up? Also, how do you know when to change the stat (ex. training on spindas for sp. attack and then going on to ziggys for speed)?


Grass Guardian

Rags to Riches
Ohhhh, the energy guru lady. I kept EV training Wally (my Walrein) until level 70-80. o_O It was so tiring... About what level, assuming you are just maxing out your EVs, will the EVs stop building up? Also, how do you know when to change the stat (ex. training on spindas for sp. attack and then going on to ziggys for speed)?


Well, that tallying thing will come in handy just for that. Take Kingdra for example. I just wanted to give him a 100 EVs in speed. I wanted him to outrun basic pokemon, but I know Rain Dance would take care of the speed stat. (I should've only given him like 50 though. :/) All I did was kept tallying up the speed EVs until I got to 100 and then I stopped and moved on to a bit of defense.

The maximum amount of EVs you can get in one stat is 252. Once a stat has reached that limit, you can no loonger put anymore EVs in. Once a pokemon has collected 510 EVs, that's it. After the EVs have been set and maxed out, you can start battling whatever you want and it will have no effect on the stats.