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Ev training

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top 8 guy

If you fill up all of your evs 252 252 and 4, do you have to keep killing those pokemon or do can you go and use rare candies or train in the elite 4?


I like pie.
after you get the effort ribbon in ruby from that giurl beside the energy guru in slateport, you've used all your evs. then it doesn't matter if you just use rare candies.


Snorlax eats n00bs!!
after you get the effort ribbon in ruby from that giurl beside the energy guru in slateport, you've used all your evs. then it doesn't matter if you just use rare candies.

No, it does matter whether you use rare candies. You can use rare candies until lvl. 99, and then train your guy to lvl. 100 to get the EV bonus...


Palace Maven Spenser
it's basically the total 127 points you trained for, all appearing at the same time at level 100.

after you get the effort ribbon you can fight anything you want.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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