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Well-Known Member
I wanna train an evee till about a level 30 and then give it a fire stone to evolve. But I don't want it to evolve into an Umbreon or an Espeon first. What should I do?


Well-Known Member
I regert selling it now =(


i don't lose
its called an everstone

you could also feed it bitter medicine before you begin. also, don't heal it, let it faint before you revive it in the pokemon center or with a revive. www.arkeis.com has the number one guide on happiness ive ever seen. you can check that out for some more suggestions.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Or just press B if it starts to evolve. That'll stop the evolution.


. . .
Either press the 'B' button or equip it with an Everstone. Also, I would personally evolve Eevee ASAP.


Sera Kureseria
If you need another Everstone because you're worried about forgetting to press B, just catch a whole bunch of Geodude. It only haolds the Everstone 5% of the time, but if you catch enough of them, you should get one. They're easier to catch at low levels, so go for the ones in Granite Cave.

top 8 guy

You get an everstone in That cave I forget the name of it near the second gym on a rock click the rock and toda


The new tuxedo look!
Press "b" during evolution, let it faint a lot, give it bitter medicine or trade it and then trade it back to you (trading deletes all happiness:D)


Natsu no Maboroshi
Make hold it a Everstone...:eek:


Well-Known Member
Check serebii's pokedex guide and evolve the eevee into the type that matches up best with the nature. You can always breed more from the original to evolve all of them. It took me awhile but I eventually got the eevees into their forms with the correct nature. I always let them learn Bite before evolving and then teach them strong moves since their defense isn't the greatest.


Everyone is just repeating what others have already said. (Press B or hold an Everstone.) I think the thread starter knows what to do now.
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