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Event for Lugia, Ho-oh and Deoxus


Beginning Trainer
I told my friend that you could get these 3 pokemon from FR/LG and he said you couldn't without an even item. I looked it up and found nothing about an event except for a ticket of sorts for Lugia but not much else. The Pokedex on Serebii.net says nothing either. So can you get these guys without a Nintendo event item?
Ho-oh and Lugia = Mystic Ticket
Deoxys = Aurora Ticket

All Nintendo events are over

Deoxys is unobtainable w/o Aurora Ticket

Lugia can be gotten from XD
Ho-oh can be gotten from Collesium


Thunder Gym Leader
You can get Ho-Oh through Pokemon Colliseum, and Lugia through XD. Deoxus is the only pokemon out oif those three that you can get with an event.


Beginning Trainer
Darn. Hoping to get them without DX. Wish Nintendo wouldn't do these lame events. Thanks guys, and Im sorry I put this on the wrong board.


^^Rofl, you'd like trade your whole collection of good pokemon or something and I don't trust wifi cause I hate hacks and clones.


I killed Ash's dad
Isnt it possible to get lugia and ho-oh in FR/LG in the islands that appear after you beat the elite four though? If thats the case, if you have a copy of FR/LG and if you have access to another GBA then you could trade it over. Other than that, i think the only other way is to get a gameshark.


Gen 6 = <3
Isnt it possible to get lugia and ho-oh in FR/LG in the islands that appear after you beat the elite four though? If thats the case, if you have a copy of FR/LG and if you have access to another GBA then you could trade it over. Other than that, i think the only other way is to get a gameshark.

No. the only ways to get Lugia and Ho-oh are:

1) XD and Colosseum
2) Pokemon Rocks America 2005/ Nintendo Events
3) trading
4) Pokemon Center New York ( not sure if the Mystic and Aurora Tickets are still available though)
5) cheating for them

the Sevii Islands dont hold them only Navel Rock which is ONLY accessible through cheating or a Nintendo Event that gives the Mystic Ticket.

Deoxys was/is (not sure if it still is) Available in the Huston Spacecenter and was available during Pokemon Rocks America 2004 which gave the Aurora Ticket. Deoxys could be available through methods 3,4 and 5 above.


Well-Known Member
You can get Lugia, Ho-oh, and Deoxy in FR/LG, but only at a event. I'm hoping that with Wi-Fi, Nintendo will give away the older event Pokemon, like Deoxy, I hope.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
Yea you cant get them anymore.

except for the f'n ones on xd and colo that people just happened to have mentioned 100 times. read the thread before posting garbage. the only unobtainable one is deoxies.