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Event Pokemon Challenge


Beginning Trainer
Hi, I see that a lot of people are running out of ideas to make their pokemon games more interested, so I was thinking and I came up with a new challenge: The Event Pokemon Challenge!

What it is, is you go through the whole game only using pokemon that you get in special events. These pokemon are pokemon such as the starters, pokemon you can obtain through trades, the Wynaut in the egg, the Castform etc...

Anyway, here are the rules:

1. No Trading (accept in-game)
2. No using pokemon you have captured, however, you may captured any pokemon you like but you may not use them for battle
3. The game ends when you defeat the eilite 4

Please update on your progress so we can see how you're doing!


Well-Known Member
There will not be enough variety in terms of Pokémon, therefore this topic will fail. Sorry.

Every team will be Starter, Wynaut/Wobbuffet, Hariyama, Castform and maybe Skitty or something, barely enough for a full team.


odd fourm... and the second post says it all