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EverChanging Elements

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Artistic Nerd
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Great comic! Great idea, great plot (I hope.) Keep it up!


Pokemon Master
dude this rocks! keep it up! wonder what the big secret is... maybe there robbers and hafta move everytime they get caught


Wow this is very different from the other comics I read =3 I love the idea that you use a Pokemon instead of a trainer ^^ Good job with this and I'll hope I see more! =3
*lurks* X3


Woot! SSB!
Wow, this is a very good and interesting comic!

Pixilated Penguin

Where are these sprites from? (If they're rips, sorry, I haven't played the newer games)

Forgotten Chain

Lonely and Forgotten
Heh. Looks like you finally made that Vulpix comic you wanted to make. Well, so far I like it.

Hmm... Everchanging Elements... I wonder if THAT could mean anything. *Is instantly reminded of Spot's ability to change into any of his evolutions and back*

The Noise

Looks like I pestered you enough to actually start the comic. XD

It's all very good. But you didn't use the caterpie I made. =(


Nice new ish! Teh Caturpee'z cool! I also like ____ (Not saying the dude Vulpix's name.)


Artistic Nerd
Thanks for all the comments people, I have ideas for up to 13 and I wrote the script for #4 in study hall today, XD.

Pixilated Penguin- Well, they are rips from the newer games but I've edited the backgrounds and heavily edited the sprites.

Forgotten Chain- lol, you could be on to something... but I've had that idea since before you allowed spot to change evolutions. Godd luck on your future comics!

Anyway, from now on, all the updates will be posted on the first post, but I'll post to let you know there an update. I'm currently workin on epi 4 and it will be done late tonight or early tomorrow morning (eastern time). Oh, and more comments would be nice ^-^. Thanks!
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Artistic Nerd
Sorry about double posting, but I can see by your flood of posts after the last new epi shows that everyone is loving this comic x.x. Anyway new epi up, lots of comments please, lol...


Pokemon Master
PrincessPolitoed said:
Sorry about double posting, but I can see by your flood of posts after the last new epi shows that everyone is loving this comic x.x. Anyway new epi up, lots of comments please, lol...
dude smoke... what are they doing? smokin pot? wish my comic was like yours -_-'


Artistic Nerd
I guarentee your they are not smoking pot, XD. And there was inflammable stuff down there so its not that crazy, lol. I'll make #5 when I get home from school today, any more comments?
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