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Everstone in emerald.

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Well-Known Member
Granite Cave there is a rock on a stand thigny click it and you pick up an Everstone


Yes...basically, enter the cave.
Head west to the ladder and enter it.
Head east to the ladder and enter it.
Head west to the stairs, and go up them; then head east to the ladder.
On the way there, there is a raised rock platform on which there is a gray rock that stands out.
Press A on the rock to get the Everstone.

Of course, all this is easier with Flash, so if you have it, use it.


Master Breeder
also, using theif, covet, or trick on wild geodude/graveler will sometimes get you one.


Wild geodudes, Wild Nosepass, and Granite cave. I think you could also get one from the battle frontier BP shop. I'm not sure.


I like pie.
a much simpler alternative is to just tap b repeatedly when it evolves and that will stop it from evolving. it also saves the item slot for something more usefull like leftovers, salac berry, etc.


I am the game
Click on a rock on the 2nd last floor.


Well-Known Member
a much simpler alternative is to just tap b repeatedly when it evolves and that will stop it from evolving. it also saves the item slot for something more usefull like leftovers, salac berry, etc.

What are you, retarted?

I'm 100% sure it's for breeding ways

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