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Every time you click this thread a kitten dies...



Yet you will click it because all of you are morbid X3

Yes, its Krystal again. I'm just expressing my disgust about FurAffinity's dramafest in this one. Since there are kids around I won't say anything specific...

Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
If I felt like being a smartass, I could just copy the link from the little hoverover link preview. :p
I likes it. I think she may be a little too blue her own complexion.


That's Krystal, form StarFox.

And one of Infinity's better (if not best) works, because you did eveything right in the face. It looks great. And her expression just fits the quote perfectly. Good job, Infin.


She's even more bluer the way Nintendo made her.

You only comment on my stuff when it has quirky titles Locke... hmm... *mischievous grin*

Yeah, I was thinking about drawing her whole body, but I need to uh better my anatomy skills first. I have a good book that talks about human anatomy, I'm just too lazy to look through it. And then there was college...