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Evolution and Stats

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Colosseum Challenger
I have a question, does a pokemon get better stats when it came from an evolution? because i have a dragonite evolved from a dratini, EV trained and has good stats. My friend has a dragonite he caught using AR at level 2. It has the same nature EVs but when it reached level 100, my dragonite is better in every stats. Refering back to the question, does evolving make pokemon stats better?

EDIT: My friend has a DRAGONITE at level 2
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Obsessive Beader/Mod
It doesn't matter WHEN you evolve your Pokemon, if the Nature/IVs/EVs are the same in two Dratini they'll be the same once they're two Dragonite regardless of what level they evolved at.

However, the way I'm reading your post is that you have a Dragonite and your friend has a Dratini. Their stats will be different because Dragonite's BASE stats are much higher than Dratini's, just as a Raichu will always be stronger than a Pichu, even if they have the same Nature/IVs/EVs.


Colosseum Challenger
Sorry, I edited that my friend got a Dragonite not Dratini


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Oh, okay...well, if the Natures and EVs are the same and your Dragonite still has better stats, the only explanation is that yours has better IVs than his. Whether it started as a Dragonite or not shouldn't matter, unless he cheated wrong and his Dragonite doesn't have the base stats that it should. With cheats involved we can't really come up with a sure answer, because there's any number of things that cheating could affect on a Pokemon.


Misson_Togetic said:
I have a question, does a pokemon get better stats when it came from an evolution? because i have a dragonite evolved from a dratini, EV trained and has good stats. My friend has a dragonite he caught using AR at level 2. It has the same nature EVs but when it reached level 100, my dragonite is better in every stats. Refering back to the question, does evolving make pokemon stats better?

EDIT: My friend has a DRAGONITE at level 2
Evolving a pokemon usually gives you better stats, since the new pokemon would probably have higher base stats. When a pokemon evolves, the game simply recalculates the pokemon stats but they base it upon the new pokemon's higher base stats. Therefore you can keep a dratini until lvl98 for evolving it into a dragonite, and the final stats would be the same if you evolved it at the earliest possible moment, considering the EVs/IVs/Natures are the same. Sometimes the stat would drop due to a lower base stat, like in the case of caterpie evolving into a metapod. You will notice that the attack stat dropped a little.


Colosseum Challenger
Oh, I see. So evolution has nothing to do with the stat differences between the Dragonite from Dratini and Dragonite caught at level 2, its just that my Dragonite has better IVs. Thank you for clearing that up! ^^
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