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Evolution Cancels

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Seemingly, it makes no sense. Stopping a pokemon from reaching it's higher form, denying yourself a new entry in the dex, keeping it's stats down. Yet time and time again (nearly always with my bulbasaur ;001; ) i find my self pressing B at that critical moment. Is there a good reason to do it? I'm not sure. But in my own little selfish way, i don't want it to happen. Am i wierd, or do you do this too? Is there a pokemon who is better left un-evolved?
Some people like certain Pokemon better than their evolutions.


well i'm not sure, But sometimes i just like pre evos better.

Dragonair > Dragonite.

Dragonite looks like PokeBarney to me....Dont flame me Xd


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I prevent Charmeleon from eveolving, but that has a strategical advantage. It doesn't have a weakness to electric, it only has a x2 weaknes to rock, but it still has a ground weakness.


gee that's swell
I coulden't evolve my cute little Bulbasaur! You do have a point but I prefer not evolve cetin pokemon. I can breed them later


Nothing to be done
Why have I stopped evelution? For learning moves, and I tried playing one game of Sapphire and Leafgreen each in which I didn't evolve any of my Pokemon for a challenge, but all that B-pressing got old fast, and I let them grow.


i always evolve my pokemon, mainly because ive seen the disadvantages of not evolving, especially when they dont change the type at all, like pikachu to raichu, or geodude to graveler to golem

but theres even advantages when you have a type change , like seadra to kingdra.

theres no doubting that when a ppokemon evolves its stats are greatly increased..


Twilight of Aquarius
The only real advantage outside of type changes are that Pokemon will learn their moves faster.


true love
Cipher said:
Why have I stopped evelution? For learning moves, and I tried playing one game of Sapphire and Leafgreen each in which I didn't evolve any of my Pokemon for a challenge, but all that B-pressing got old fast, and I let them grow.

My reason too. Well, the first one.. and that's probably the only reason.. though sometimes I don't want to evolve a certain Pokémon, such as Bulbasaur and some other ones I think it's cute.. But I always end up evolving them for the same reason as quoted or because they're dying too fast.

Everstone helps too, though you'll need to have like 6 games or something for it.. o_O for one whole party.


Ski > You
Hmm... Well, you learn move faster, you keep abilities, such as Meowth having Pickup over Limber, and they just look cuter when they're smaller. There are also some challenges that require certain unevolved Pokemon, can't remember them.
Torchic23 said:
I coulden't evolve my cute little Bulbasaur! You do have a point but I prefer not evolve cetin pokemon. I can breed them later.

Kyukon said:
My reason too. Well, the first one.. and that's probably the only reason.. though sometimes I don't want to evolve a certain Pokémon, such as Bulbasaur and some other ones I think it's cute.

Score two more for Bulbasaur! Yeah! Everyone seems to not want to evolve him in particular. Just says something about him compare to Ivysaur doesn't it.


Ski > You
Ivysaur is stronger, has larger movepool capabilities, and is the only way you are going to get Venusaur. Therefore, it is superior. Whatever.
I just evolve most of my Pokemon though, but one exception is Pupitar, I stall for about three levels to get Earthquake.

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Well, I never evolve Grovyle because it's my favourite pokemon, and also because I hate Sceptile with a passion. Other pokemon I prefer to there evos are Dragonair, Corpish, Combusken, Snorunt, Elekid, Manene...... at any rate, lots.
And any pokemon can kick *** if properly trained, so if you don't want to evolve you're Bulbasaur, don't.

Evanji Axu

Eh, Sceptile is okay. Grovyle's where it's at though. And Pidgeotto >>>>> Pidgeot. I was SO reluctant to evolve mine in Crystal.


true love
DeNtEnE !cE: sugar free said:
The statistical boost is enough for me to evolve all my pokemon.

Yes, but if they learn something that requires cancelling their evolution, then I would cancel it.. Example: Numel with Flamethrower.. Numel learns Flamethrower at level 41, but evolves to Camerupt at 33 and Camerupt doesn't learn Flamethrower.. The only thing you'll miss is Rock Slide, but is that really all that good if you're going to have Earthquake, Magnitude and Dig? Er, or at least the XD Numel has Dig.. o_O Though you could always teach it by TM.. Flamethrower.

And for the Hoenn starters, Torchic learns Flamethrower at level 43, but you'll miss Double Kick on Combusken and Blaze Kick on Blaziken. Along with Treecko with Giga Drain and Mudkip with Hydro Pump.. though Flamethrower and Giga Drain can be obtained via TMs. But still, it's all up to the user/person's desires.


Preventing a Pokemon from evovling is both good and bad to me. I let MOST of mine evovle, so then can learn more moves and be stronger. Other Pokemon, like Pikachu, I wouldn't evovle till a high level because Pikachu learns a lot more moves than Raichu.


Pinin' for the fjord
In most cases I delay evolution to learn specific moves earlier than the evolutions would learn them- for example, I delay Marshtomp's evolution until he learns Earthquake. I will also delay evolution in order to minimize the amount of exp. points each Pokemon needs before its next level-up, and then evolve them before the Elite Four. Exceptions would be Pokemon that can't stand up for themselves without evolving, such as Magikarp, Feebas, and Ralts/Kirlia.

Team Rocket Admin

Well-Known Member
I cancel my Charmander's evolution all the time, and over my Pokemon game career, I've had atleast 10 LV. 100 Charmanders. To get Charmeleon & Charizard, I breed and evolve.
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