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Evolving Sweets (strawberry, love, star, clover, berry, ribbon and flower)


Hey all,

Is there an easier way to obtain the sweets?

I am battling in the café now (with the dayskip exploit), but I only get straberries so far XD.

Is there maybe a pattern or something on what day you get which sweet? (much like the weather in the Wild Area?)


Maybe we all can start an item market? (If that is allowed)

With a focus on, but not limited to, sweets?


Well-Known Member
Maybe we all can start an item market? (If that is allowed)

With a focus on, but not limited to, sweets?

I created an items thread but it is probably buried somewhere in the pile. Am looking for several sweets too, and have a couple to offer, as well as other items. Drop me a pm if you are interested. Cheers!


Salingerian Phony
Oh yeah, and for the record, the Ribbon and Star Sweets cannot be obtained, at least not yet. You can only get the Strawberry, Flower, Clover, Love, and Berry Sweets for now.