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Evolving Wurmple

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O hai you guysh !
Ok, simple question really.
The main site says that in both 3rd and 4th Generations, Wurmple evolves into Silcoon when it's personality is above 4, and into Cascoon when it's below 5.

How exactly do we find out what our Wurmple's personality is, and is it possible to raise/lower it?

Much thanks.
Wurmple evolves into Silcoon during daytime and Cascoon at nighttime I think


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wurmple evolves into Silcoon during daytime and Cascoon at nighttime I think

No, it is determined by whatever Wurmple's 'personality value' is.

Totoro said:
Ok, simple question really.
The main site says that in both 3rd and 4th Generations, Wurmple evolves into Silcoon when it's personality is above 4, and into Cascoon when it's below 5.

How exactly do we find out what our Wurmple's personality is, and is it possible to raise/lower it?

Much thanks.

You cannot find out what its personality value is, it's a hidden value.

There's no way to change it either, everything about the pokemon is set when you first encounter it, so you get what you get.

You will just have to evolve Wurmple and see for yourself what it evolves into, and if it doesn't evolve into the evolution you want, you must catch another one and evolve it, then repeat the process if needed until it evolves into the right pokemon.



Belgian Waffles!!!
That has been proven wrong, it is actually completely random.

Edit: Not you^


O hai you guysh !
Okay then. Thank you very much.


I like pie.
after my wurmple turned into a silcoon, i just caught a cascoon, to avoid the trouble.

i!Mr Poo-Poo Head!i

Well-Known Member
Yeah i have that stupid problem, best thing is to just catch a silcoon or cascoon in Petalburg woods, i'm a bit stubborn though and just catch wurmple after wurmple making sure i get a beautifly cause it'll bug me if i don't *no pun intended:p*


<Pikachu got Owned!
I, personally, just catch Silcoon and Cascoon.

As for this "personality value" thing, It's just random when you catch the Wurmple.

They could have made it more simple though couldn't they...


Powerplay Champion
i know this might sound stupid... but is there a personality calculator on the site?

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
Nope. You can't figure out what the Personality Value is, it's a hidden value, as other people have said.


Local psychopath
I read something once. Ever hear that roumer, it depends on the time of the day? Well it does!

When you save it shows you your time.

Ex: 36:48

Gues what it doesnt show you? Seconds. it shows you Hours:Minutes

But what about Hours:Minutes:SECONDS

The seconds doesnt show but it is there. I heard if the second is even, it turns into Silcoon --> Bueatafly
If it's odd Cascoon --> Dustox

Lugia Aeroblast

FR E-4champ 23:56:33
that "personality value" stuff is all wrong. i conducted a study, and i found out that if u want a Silcoon from your Wurmple, get rid of Poison Sting, but if u want Cascoon, leave Poison Sting. simple as that.

if u dont think im right, try for your self. use 2 wurmple, each holding EXP.Share, battle Gabby & Ty, and when they evolve, check which one knows poison sting. i garuntee it will be Cascoon, NOT Silcoon
that "personality value" stuff is all wrong. i conducted a study, and i found out that if u want a Silcoon from your Wurmple, get rid of Poison Sting, but if u want Cascoon, leave Poison Sting. simple as that.

if u dont think im right, try for your self. use 2 wurmple, each holding EXP.Share, battle Gabby & Ty, and when they evolve, check which one knows poison sting. i garuntee it will be Cascoon, NOT Silcoon

wtf? your wrong, i got a silcoon with poision sting before >.<


Obsessive Beader/Mod
It does NOT depend on time because Wurmple can still evolve in FR/LG, where there is no clock. Also because the same Wurmple will ALWAYS evolve into the same evolution no matter when/how many times you try to evolve it.

Basically, you can't see the personality value, it's a hidden value in the game, so really it's just random since there's no way to determine or change the number.

Since I think the question's been sufficiently answered...

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