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ev's not working?

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oblivion weilder
i ev train so my pokes can have the max stats they deserve, andd i give them the right ev's to give them that, and the right natures and they never actually reach there max, or there neutral max whats up?


Well-Known Member
There are also IVs to consider. A pokemon has a number assigned to each stat between 0 and 31. it will only reach its max if the number is 31. there is more on the main site.


Well-Known Member
I tried to max out Kiogre's speed. Timid nature and I used up all the EV's, his speed is 276 not 306. The I raised a hasty rayquaza, speed is 317. Same for my mewtwos 394 each. Talk to the guy in BF (emerald) if he says that the pokemon is good for some stat and his nature raises it too, then it should be maxed out or at least close to being maxed out.
Only if the pokemon has max IVs in a particualar stat will you get the maximum


Well-Known Member
uh, no. The guy in the BF tells your pokemon's IVs, not EVs.

Exactly, he tells you the IV's. Read the above posts, you need to have high IV's and use EV's to max out a stat.


Powerplay Champion
BF... i know im gonna regret asking... but what's bf...?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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