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Evs? They aren't working for me

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Active Member
I have been giving my Torchic carbos, calcium, protein, and iron since it was level five. I also Ev train it. When it became a Blaziken (first a combusken of course) the stats were bad. The evs didn't change anything. Its defense is pretty poor (100). It is almost level 85. What is wrong?;476;


Well-Known Member
Did you keep ev training after that? Well, the ev training ISN`T noticable until at a high level, its not like at level 5, you`ll give it 10 proteins and the torchic will have 25 more attack then average, but each ev you gain are divided into decimals at a low level.

For example, lets say i have a level 10 Jigglypuff, according to what you thought, beating 4 whismur would give you +1 in HP, but since its only lvl 10, it would take 40 whismurs to +1, and that isn`t possible since lvl 10 Pokemon gain exp extremely quickly.


Active Member
But now it is at level 85 and it is a Blaziken. It has high evs level(trust me on this). It defense is poor( 105). Its Hp and attack are high though. I wanted it to have high defense to survive rock, ground, steel, and other attack stat using moves


Snorlax eats n00bs!!
Well, did you continue to EV train past that? Also, you shouldn't spread out all of your vitamins through all of your guys stats, just specific good ones, like 2 or 3. (252, 252, 4, or some other combination)


Heart & Soul...
did you defence ev train it? you can't just go kill whismurs or somthing and say thats ev training. also, you can't just stop ev training it at lv 85 and think it will be a god! Blaziken's defence is crap anyway, and if you have a hindering nature then it will be almost impossible to make it usefull. You should of trained it for sp.atk and spd anyway, blaziken's not a tank it's a sweeper.


Active Member
My blaziken has an effort ribbon so ev training now is useless. All of its stats are fine( in the 300's). the problem is that when i fight rock pokemon i get creamed. Also, is it okay to put all the protein, iron, calcium, etc. on the first llevel(5). I didn't do that. I did it on the the levels 5-15.
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PokeTrainer Miki
well, probably the problem isn't that ev training doesn't work, but that the IVs of your pokemon were bad from the start


Crazy Trainer
It's probably Lonely, Gentle, Mild or Hasty, all of which have lower Defense. Which stats did you train it in? It sounds like you spread them all over the place. It could also have a low IV in defense. A level 85 blaziken with 0 EVs and 0 IV with one of the above natures will be 111. So, if you only have a 100, that's impossible. I assume you were rounding. If you were specific, maybe we can help you better.


Well-Known Member
My blaziken has an effort ribbon so ev training now is useless. All of its stats are fine( in the 300's). the problem is that when i fight rock pokemon i get creamed. Also, is it okay to put all the protein, iron, calcium, etc. on the first llevel(5). I didn't do that. I did it on the the levels 5-15.
the reason why you still get creamed is that aside from being weak to rock, blaziken pretty much has a crappy defense so ev training it for defense is pointless. you should remember that when ev training, you should concentrate on its strongest stats and consider the role you want it to have in your team such as special sweeper, etc.

when ev training, its best to start as early as possible so starting at level 5 is good. overall, it doesnt really matter just as long as you ev train your pokemon. im not sure if this works if your pokemon already has the effort ribbon but you can still fix the ev stats of your pokemon by using berries that reduce the ev points by 10 such as qualot, kelpsy, etc.


Well-Known Member
Because if it was a nature that lowers defense, then it could be the cause, then it must be that it has LOW ivs on defense, besides, it`s suppose to kill before its killed, like saying i want to have a sweeping shuckle :p


Active Member
If i gave any pokemon a lot of carbos, protein, etc. at a early level (level 5 through 20) would that lower its ivs or would that improve it. In other words, if i did that, would the results be good or bad?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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