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Ex Dragon Frontier Pre-realese?


Wish Maker
Is anyone going, im going to underground games in NC.
Im not sure if im all that smart with the game its a little confusing. -.-

So do you think i should go and are you is the main thing here,


Wish Maker
Bummer eh? I dont really care for any of the new Ex's but i do want Jirachi EX crazy bad and Lugia Ex my decks called: The Revival of Lugia
I want that too, you mean the Jirachi EX from Crystal Guardians?
I want that! ^_^
instead though I pulled out Kyogre Ex, and Aggron Ex

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!
I really want jirachi ex to... i'll proably have to pay 20+ buck's for him on ebay >.<


Well-Known Member
So at these pre realese things there is a tournament also right?

Also what goes on in these pre relese things. Is it worth it to go if your not going to be in the tournament, because I dont think I can enter unless I get a starter deck.

Im just interested in getting back in to pokemon.


Wish Maker
Well, you pay like 20 bucks for 6 packs then you make a deck with those and other peopels ( the new cards that havent been released ) and then theres a tornament and if participate you keep the cards and get a prerelease card( special you cant buy it ).....ill make a thing

1 win: Pillow
2win: Badge
4win:EX card
5win: a little trophy
( it also depends where your going and how many people are there...: ) )


Well-Known Member
So If I dont win the tournament I dont get to keep the cards?

Or If dont get a single win I dont get a prize?

Either way it sounds cool so I might go even though I havent played for a while.
Even if you don't win, you get to keep the 6 packs you paid for, if you win you get additional packs


Well-Known Member
Ok Thanks this sounds kinda fun. But let me make sure I have the rules right.

1. You pay 20 dollars and get 6 packs.
2 You make a deck with those 6 packs but you can trade cards with other people to help build your deck.
3. You can win prizes depending on how good you do.

So is all that stuff right/true?
I'm not sure about the trading, but they provide the energies for you to use

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
BlackViper - you'll get six booster packs to make your deck with and you are NOT allowed to trade those cards with other people - illegal. Basic Energy cards will be provided at the tournament. After the tournament is over, and you don't use your 40-card deck anymore that tournament, you should be allowed to trade, but ask your tournament leader.

I'm going to the EX Dragon Frontiers prerelease on Saturday 28 October. :D Plus, everyone at my league is getting an additional four booster packs at the end of the tournament! :D

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
i think mine can trade,

You shouldn't be able to. By the rules and regulations set down by Pokémon Organized Play it is not legal in Modified Limited play (prereleases) to swap the cards you have gotten from the boosters given to you. You should make sure your tournament organiser is aware of that.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks. I think at mine we get a additional 2 packs after the tournament.
Also Im really considering wheter to go or not.