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EX:Power Keepers

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Definitely before. PUSA is probably doing this to aid the delay between Dragon Frontiers and Diamond and Pearl TCG. I reckon it's a load of reprints if it's not being released in Japan.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Well, a 5-month-minimum waiting period between Dragon Frontiers and DP would definitely be overkill, so I assume this is being made to tie people over. It will likely be a combination of both reprints and new cards that were originally released as promos in Japan. Chances are this is to enable cards like Sandstorm Dunsparce to be playable in Modified.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Yeah. I reckon Nintendo's doing it to bring some of the more powerful cards back. :D

Fingers crossed for reprints of the Starters from Base Set! But if Blastoise ex is reprinted...all hell is gonna break loose at my local tournament. :p


Queen of Charizards!
Its a good thing they are doing this so people don't have to be impetient and complaing that the supposed D/P tuff was going to be released after Diamond and Pearl Come out in the USA
power keepers is being released in usa on valentines day and here before D/P
I think from what i heard it is going to be a lot of the older cards from the older sets and new trainers
it should be good and will be the last set of exs which makes me sad

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
What you said is what Water Pokémon Master assumes/guesses. We don't know for certain that it's reprints, so don't go spreading that around. THat said, it's always possible.


Queen of Charizards!
Wait Power Keepers out in Feburary. I was thinking January (two month Period) and that D/P would come out in March, or early april


Thank you, SPPf! :)
They can just stay with the traditional three months between sets. Power Keepers in January and DP in April. The DP games will likely be out before April. (I mean, the RS games were released in Japan in November 2002, then the U.S. in March. DP came out in September, so I can't imagine it would be released later than RS.)
Water Pokemon Master says no more info on this set until the end of November

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
No, it's never been released over there because they didn't have to wait as long as us for the Diamond and Pearl set.

S.Suikun - Ruby and Sapphire were released here in the UK in late July 2003. So I wouldn't expect you Americans to get the set until we in the UK have the games.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
No, it's never been released over there because they didn't have to wait as long as us for the Diamond and Pearl set.

S.Suikun - Ruby and Sapphire were released here in the UK in late July 2003. So I wouldn't expect you Americans to get the set until we in the UK have the games.
When was EX Ruby & Sapphire released, though?

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
June 2003 in America from what I know - but it wasn't released until August 2003 here. At least, that was the earliest I saw it in the store that I visited every week.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Not really. They already have the cards if they're reprinted and they've already got the Diamond and Pearl set. So don't feel sorry for them in the slightest.