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Exclusive PKMN

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Active Member
I was just wanting to know which Pokemon CANNOT BE CAUGHT in Ruby, Saphire, Emerald, Fire Red and Leaf Green. Your helped is appreciated. ^_~
Unless you have the tickets, Ho-oh,Lugia, Deoxys

Others include Jirachi, Celebi, Mew


< It's Passion Pink!
Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys.

Ho-oh is only on Colo, Lugia is only on XD, the others can only be obtained if you live somewhere Nintendo tours.


Active Member
I mean like....Sandshrew can't be caught on Fire Red....whoch other ones can't be caught on particular games...


Active Member
Please help me...


Active Member
Didn't see that link...thanks! Look's like I'll have to buy all of them including XD...and a GBA and link cable....sigh...
Your welcome, but you could get those off wi-fi or they can all be caught in D/P


Active Member
Are you sure. I doubt you'd be able to cathc EVERY SINGLE POKEMON in one game. Will you be able to trade Pokemon in Wifi???
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