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Exp. Share and Wynaut


New Member
I just have 2 questions.

does exp. share hurt ur pokemons stats in any way or does it just give half the exp to the pokemon holding the share?

and can u save right before wynaut hatches and keep turning the power on/off till u get the right nature? does the nature change everytime it hatches?
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The nature is set as soon as you recieve the egg, so if you want to get a different nature, you must save before taking the egg, hatch it, and if you don't like the nature, shut it off and take the egg again and re-hatch it

With Exp.Share, you can share EVs also as well as Exp.


Exp share allows the pokemon to recive half the exp for the battle as well as FULL ev's.

and can u save right before wynaut hatches and keep turning the power on/off till u get the right nature? does the nature change everytime it hatches?

You would have to save before you recive the egg, once you own the egg the nature is preset and cannot be changed.

Grr beaten to first post.