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EXP share

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I like mangos!
Does the pokemon holding it gain EVs if you use it?

Stupid question, but Im just not sure. XD


ima gonna smile now!
simply put, yes. lengthy, yes, i also suggest that you give the lead pokemon a macho brace so the exp. share pokemon gains twice the ev's. just a suggestion.

corsolakid ;222;


I like mangos!
Ah. =D Good suggestion.

Thanks alot ^_^
I always thought that if the leader is holding a macho brace the pokemon with exp share only gets the base amount of evs not double and the leader is the only one that gets double. ;123;


I am the game
I agree with ninja scyther. And where do you get the macho brace in emerald?


Completing The Trio
you get the macho brace from the winstrates house above mauville city


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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