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Explain Mew


Grass Specialist
Can someone explain mew to me for Mysterious Dungeon. Is Mew going to be on its own floor like the Regis, or is it going to disguise itself like all the other pokemon? I don't really get it.


you know why im here
no it isnt it should be from floors 50-99 in buried relic IIRC and ya it has transform so it can disguise itself.
have the music box in ur inventory

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!
no it isnt it should be from floors 50-99 in buried relic IIRC and ya it has transform so it can disguise itself.
have the music box in ur inventory

No it could be on floor 36-99.


Factory Expert
Ummm just be carefull for a message like : "Mew used transform"


you know why im here
ya so bring about like 10+ oran berrys and like 13+ reviver seeds and 10+ max elxcirs and a freand bow if u have it. and its good to have ur pkm lv 50+

~Big Z out~


Heart & Soul...
Ok i get it that its from floors 36-99 but should I defeat every pokemon on every floor before I go to the next one?

not really. If you have walked more than 12 steps without the "mew used tranform!", she's not on the floor.


Glitch Hunting Freak
Mew's join rate is 0.9 -_-' Just keep beating him and as sson as he joins you, you are teleported out of there :D


Tyranitar Trainer
I'm going to wait until I'm level 100 to get mew. I may go back for the Regi's sooner though. Getting Mew takes alot of patience.

Can Mew Appear in a monster house?
Is Mew guaranteed to appear from F36-98 in at least one floor?

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
You CAN bring all that... but I went alone with a lv 40 Charizard and I am on Floor 70, no items except the music box from the Regi peices, but I still can't find Mew!! :(


Advanced Spriter
Useful Info read all:

What a surprise! Mew just joined my team about 15 minutes ago. It could get hard...because I found it on floor 88 of the Buried Relic. If it's on 36-99 and you have the music box (orgel) in your toolbox (don't use it), it can found on any floor from 36-99, and I'm pretty sure there's an excellent chance you'll find him. He joined my team as soon as I beat him (he transformed into Mawille), so if you have the Final Island friend area, yup, I think he'll join 100%, you never know. But be aware of your team's size! Good luck!

Glad to be of assistence!


<--will be mine
I wish it was that easy...I've beaten him several times like that..no luck...
random floor I know--though I hear the highest(70+) are more likely...

Just keep trying...


Well-Known Member
Yea good luck with Mew though. It can be a real Biatch to find