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Explain Mew


Drifblim landing!
mew appers randomly on floors 36-9. the first time I went through the buried relic I ran into it like, 4 times. next time I went through it I got it at floor 87 -_-; I was only at level 40+ he can be a big pain 'cos of that transform thing. I had to beat EVERY pokemon with my leader

4!? I ran into the blasted pink evil creature from hell 7 TIMES!!! That dang thing wouldn't join me. I completed all 99 floors and couldn't get it ;151;


PokeMon Professor
I have yet to see Mew. I carry the music box to Buried Relic, and I make it all the way to 83F, but I haven't seen him yet. I want him so badly, but he doesn't like me. I have the Final Island friend area as well.


Well-Known Member
He/She/It is found at Buried Relic (B36F - B98F)

You need the Final Island friend area to befriend/recruit it.

After you befriended/recruit it, you'll be taken out of the dungeon.
(counts as completing the mission even without reaching the exit)


Well-Known Member
16 of the 21 legendaries will be recorded on the adventure log.

Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Ho-Oh, Deoxys, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Lugia, Celebi, Mew, Mewtwo, Jirachi.


Ultimate Marshtomp
I have a level 39 Marshtomp, level 39 quilava, and level 33 tropius. Do you think i'm going to lose if I do find mew? I'm on floor B36 right now, so I have a whole lot of levels before I face mew.

Oh, and how many levels are in there? I lost at about 40 last time because I wasn't paying attention to my health.


I just used my music box thinking it would do something good, but it crumbled away, so I guess I have to go through all of the levels again. :(
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Well-Known Member
I got to B81F and found Mew.
I play it on my VisualBoyAdvance emulator and use Cheat Codes, because I don't own any cheat device that is compatible with PMD red.


Zigzagoon luv
Mew is a really bad thing, I mean, he is really hard to recruit, and if you happen to lose him your gonna be going through a 99 floor dungeon again.


Gust of Wind
does he only appear once wach adventure through the relic or once you beat mew, he reappears on another floor further on?


I wanted ketchup!!!
It appears between 36-98Fl but really hard to find


I am watching you...


Well-Known Member
MM, thats what I was going to say. :D

I will help anyone there that needs help on Mew, so go there now.