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EX's Lab


Well-Known Member

Hello, i'm currently taking requests for mixes. Requests can been posted here, or thur PMing me. plz keep the mix limited to 2-3 pokemon.

Example: ZApdos + Venosaur

i may do more if i like the combo.

plz say which pokemon you want as the base, so i can get a better idea of what you want. otherwise i'll just guess.

All Mixes will be posted in my sprites thread:
Emerald Xavier's Sprites

I'll PM you when your request is Complete

Credit will be given for your Ideas


3 Most Recent Requests Completed:
Last edited:


Hey couldya do an Umbreon.....vulpix mix Vulpix as base. (hehehe Vulpix mix XD!)



Make a Wish
Could I have a mix of Lugia and Aricuno? Thankies!


emeraldrayquaza said:
Could I have a mix of Lugia and Aricuno? Thankies!
I'm not trying to act like the owner, but what as the base?


Make a Wish
Oh... and the base should be Lugia.


And Mines Awesome.


Well-Known Member
UmbreonMaster said:
And Mines Awesome.

Glad you like it. If you have another request i'll happily do it aswell. my Lab is a little slow right now lol


Could I have a Umbreon/Espeon mix please? Umbreon as the base.
And when you post it just post it in your post(the actual sprite) because i can't click on links. (computer is messed up). Thankies in advance.


Well-Known Member
.::Moonlight~Espeon::.'s request has been completed. it's name is Esbreon


Well-Known Member
.::Moonlight~Espeon::. said:
Could I have a Umbreon/Espeon mix please? Umbreon as the base.
And when you post it just post it in your post(the actual sprite) because i can't click on links. (computer is messed up). Thankies in advance.

I send the Sprite along with the PM saying it's been completed.

To Everyone else,

I need more Requests!. lol come on i know you got a combo you're just dieing to see!! Idea creds are given and posted on my sprites page. so everyoe can see your genius!



Well-Known Member
UPDATE: New Feature added!

I have made it so the last 3 completed requests are displayed as examples. to see all my other mixes visit my Sprites page

Shadownight of Summerclan

Could I request a Arcanine and Entei mix? Arcanine as base with stripes.
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