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Fake, continental region by me.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I actually came up with this idea many years ago when Ruby and Sapphire first came out. This is Hennoto which was the setting of a now dead fanfic. Enjoy. Because this is a region set deep in a continant, it doesn't fit in the world map as is.



I hate rainbows!
o_O its to big for one, its to simple, its to cut and paste. It doesn't look very original and the shading is waaayyy off.

Hope that helps improve it ;)


Normal Coordinator
It's good to see that you made your own thread. I'm sorry to say, this map is not very good. There are very jagged parts to the land, and it doesn't look very natural. The water is very off, and the paths are very poorly done. Good try...

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I didn't see the striping for the water. It's too much of a pain to deal with.

I'll round out somethings on the islands. They do look a little jagged I wish I was using a real mouse comaped to a touch pad.

Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
It's the map master himself, Locke Yggdrasill! =P
Well, erm.... the land palette is correct, but the water palette.... definitely not so much so. It's not even striped! (as you said in an afore post). and that is one heck of a plateau around it. Is it kind of like Sootopolis?
And yesh, a little jagged.
-Locke Yggdrasill

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
It's supposed to be mountains and highlands and give the since that it's more or less isolated except for the channel in the southeast. I'm working on a striped water background and I'll just place the land over it and make the map look better.

I've also rounded the islands off.

This looked a lot better hand drawn.


Well-Known Member
Electabuzz said:
It's good to see that you made your own thread. I'm sorry to say, this map is not very good. There are very jagged parts to the land, and it doesn't look very natural. The water is very off, and the paths are very poorly done. Good try...

now thats not very nice...

I actually think you did a very good job! keep it up!


Raikou Lover said:
now thats not very nice...

I actually think you did a very good job! keep it up!

WTH? He's giving contructive crit. You obviously don't know what crit is.

Anyways, good for a first try, but you need to improve on shading and the water isn't right. Good try!