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Fake Poke creator *come and see*

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Well-Known Member
heres the flying eeveelution

You are good but I can give you are tricky one.A dragon eeveeolution


Super spriter
heres the bonsly fake evo, it evolves into this if you mistreat it


Super spriter
heres the mirakuge evo, oooh dragon eeveelution could be hard.


Super spriter
munchlax42- yes of course
pokemon60020- im already about to start a dragon eeveelution so i will add blue fire for you


Super spriter
heres the dragon eeveelution and i will start on fuwante evo now


Super spriter
theres not much you can do to make a fuwante pre evo because its really small but i came up with this


Where is the rum?...
cool stuff...how about an absol evo...and also a magnetric evo ^^ please and thanx ;004;


Super spriter
well thats the sort of request you would turn down because there wasnt much you could do with it, anyways heres the absol evo, abcolossall

Pearl Manyula

Well-Known Member
Can you make a normal type eeveelution and an alternate sneasel evo? And take your time. I don't like rushing people. :)


Where is the rum?...
hmm...hows anout a shadow lugia evo ^^ (btw this has nothing to do with the fanfic i just finished ^^;;...)) ;004;


Well-Known Member
Hijack74 how do you get the pictures from Paint onto here? I want to know because I am going to open a shop,but i can't get my pic from Paint into my thread!
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