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Fake Poke creator *come and see*

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Super spriter
Munchlax42: I upload them to imagecave.com
Im swamped with homework so i may not finish any tonight though tomoz i will be able to do loads.
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Well-Known Member
Thanx for the advice!!!!! I signed up and got my pics on that i wanted but they are MASSIVE!!!! How can i shrink them down?


Super spriter
i shrink them in paint with the stretch/skew tool


Well-Known Member
Thanks I'll try that! And will you come to my shop and request its totally empty and there are tumbleweeds rolling past!


Super spriter
heres the shadow lugia pre-evo, its quite uninventive but its still got its egg shell on so its just hatched


Super spriter
ok that pre-evo im ashamed of so i redid it and came up with this cute little tyke


Well-Known Member
He he he!! That Lugia pre-evo is so cute!! Can you make a Metagross evo and a Pachisuru* Evo plz?

*That electric squirell thing!


Super spriter
ok but can you put credit for the original idea for mirorklish since i made it i at least want some credit


Super spriter
im sorry i dont make sprites but your welcome to turn my creations into sprites if you give me credit
pacirisu evo, my idea was good i just could make it as effective as i wanted


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see the Metagross evo! Can you make it Rock/Dark type because when i first thought of it i decided its name would be Cometlash?


Super spriter
well metagross is steel but i can at the other types for a three type combo wow that could be interesting


Well-Known Member
Sweet!!!!!!Can i have permission to take the Pachirusu evo and the I think it should be Metang alt. evo and get someone to turn them to sprites?

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Sorry, but these pics are bad. And you admit why they are. You do them in 10/15 minutes. Only time I do something in 10/15 minutes is if I'm recoloring a whole mess of sprites. And even then I take care to make them look good.

If you actually spent time to put effort and quality in your art, you would have something better than road killed pictures that are flat and poorly shaded.

The Dark Lugia is upside down- or does he have spikes on his belly instead of a patch of dark purple/black? The Pachi 'evo' looks more like a mutated dog than a squirrel, tbh. Have you even seen a squirrel?

The 'Metagross' thing looks like a hammer met a gundam.

The Absol evo .. looks bad. Sorry, just very bad. Like the hulk met the abomidable snowman or whatever. Yeti, that's it. Anyways, you put no effort into it really either. I mean fine, it's your art style, but that doesn't excuse you from taking blame that you didn't put as much effort or time into it as possible. Maybe if it was better drawn, it might be alright, but atm all it looks like, is an Absol version of Chopper. Only thing is, Chopper is cute. That's disturbing :/

The Flying Eeveelution looks warped, and well, has no body structure to it. The wings are also flat, shading is minimal at best. And the dragon ... Why are the wings on the butt? I know drawing is hard, but surely if you practiced more and spent more than 15 minutes on a drawing, you'd do something you'd actually be proud of? :/


Super spriter
ummmmmmmmmm k then i will just give up completely now, you really hurt my feelings, actually i dont that much care, people request here and i make something, its not perfect, not even great but people request here so there must be something they like and my art only takes 15-20 minutes because i dont have the time to work on it for ages, and if i did i would probably not get very many done, and the baby shadow lugia is looking over its shoulder, and i just do these straight out on paint, im not saying paint is bad but if i was to draw them out on paper it would take huge amounts of time because i hate even the littlest venture from my ideas, i usually think of something and stick with it and if possible please show me your amazing art thats so much better then maybe i will try and get better, maybe lower my grade point average by using up my time but who cares my life isnt worth living unless my art is perfect huh?


Well-Known Member
I love your art! I couldn't of done better on the Metang alt evo(that Metang alt evo is 100% better than what i was thinking of)! And so what if the squirell evo looks like a dog*! Please don't stop!

*A fish evolving into an otopus isn't dumb!
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