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Fake pokedex info thread.

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
This thread is for those who have info that they think is possible for pokemon that is not stated in the pokedex or anywhere else. But no stupid stuff like: "Minomucchi flys by killing golbats and attatching their wings too it with duck tape" or anything like that. Extending current information sensibly is acceptable, too.

Now that I think i've made myself perfectly clear, i'll start with the magne- chain. Note that you don't have to do entire evo chains, I just wanted too.

Magnemite: The human-magnemite relationship has recently grown. The government stated that pokemon pounds can sell magnemite as pets.

Magneton: Scientists have recently found that whenever a magnemite that evolves with none around it, it takes two magnemite to join it from a random place in the world with it's incredebly strong magnetic force only displayable during evolution to make a magneton.

Jibacoil: Jibacoil has the power to send both radio and magnetical transmissions, which can be a nuisense to popular radio stations throughout the globe. Jibacoil don't mean to do this, though.

Okay, this thread is open for replies.


So Zetta Slow!
Magikarp: Once adored by people in the ancient era for being the only pokemon to defeat the regis in a great battle and sealed them up for thousands of years. It was cursed by Regigigas and it became the weakest pokemon ever.

Gyarados: It is said that this pokemon wants revenge for its ancestor that is why it is usually in a rampage.

...hope you like the weird ideas of a "istoopeed" like me...hehehe
Fuwante: This ghostly Pokemon has been seen around elementary schools. It has been blamed for the disappearance of several children. Nobody knows if it is responsible, though.
Heracross: This Pokemon has a long-standing rivalry with Pinsir. Whenever a Heracross battles a Pinsir, they must fight until one is out of energy.
Sceptile: This Pokemon is also known as "King of the Forest". You can tell a Sceptile is a leader because it has more seeds on its back. These seeds are where it keeps its eggs/sperm.

Supreme Golden Ho-oH

Well-Known Member
Mewtwo: Made from a Mew fossil, it destroyed his creators and start making a plan for destroying humans. His plans were ruined by Ash and Mew, thought. His current location is unknown.

Voltorb: a red and white orb in which the pokeballs were based. It has no mouth, therefore it feeds with electricity from electric cables.They are very common in abandoned power plants.

Ho-oH: An invincible Phoenix that controls the power of fire. Each 100 years he dies and reborns from his ashes. The ancients believed he created the sun using a giant Flame Wheel. Wherever he passes, he leaves a rainbow trace that brings joy to whoever sees it. He once lived in the Ecruteak tower, however, when the tower was burned, he left the tower for never returning again. His current location is unknown, and presently, few people have seen it.


KarpeDiem Rules!
Porygon is said to be the first and only pokemon made by human hands
Porygon2 is a upgradet version of Porygon made for space travels
Scyther : This pokemon's blades are very sharp. I'n ancient times, SCYTHER's blades were used as farming tools.

Spoink: It has to keep bouncing or else it dies. Because they're more common that GRUMPIG, SPOINK are used for bacon.

Sableye: People think it can steal your soul if it sees you. SABLEYE pull pranks to get human food, to see what it tastes like.

Wow! All of the ones I did start with S!


A la lune!
Skarmory:Origanally this pokemon used to be a Pigeot,however it was submerged in a vat of metal for pokemon testing and became metal.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Korobooshi: This Pokemon emits a harmonious sound with its atennas, and has been bestowed the name "Pokemon Pimp".

Fuwante: This Pokemon was apparently arrested for child abducting, and was later found in Neverland Ranch.

Yonowaru: This Pokemon receives transmissions from the Spirit World, which are usually gangsta rap.


The Plot Thickens
Korobooshi: This pokemon's antennae make a sound much like a xylophone. The harmonious tunes are said to match those of master music players.

Dotaitos: These pokemon lay in fields, eating grass most of the day, and move around at night.

Enperuto: Enperuto's wings can smash hardened icebergs with it's hard wings. They swim around all day and night.
Dianose: This strange Pokemon is most frequently found in the restrooms of comedy clubs. It feeds on lousy comedians.


So Zetta Slow!
Unown: It was rumored that the first two unowns was originally the eye of an evil wizard in egypt. The other unowns came from the eyes of the wizard's descendants because their generation was cursed.

Luvdisc: It was once thought that this pokemon was a scale of a very large dragonite.



Fuwante:Religious groups have protested against the existance of this Pokemon due to what they say are "obvious attempts to bring children staight to hell!". Others have simply nicknamed it the Micheal Jackson Pokemon and forbid it from being a playmate for their children.
Grovyle:With long legs suited for jumping into and between trees, various leaves that either make it look cooler or more capable of jumping long distances, claws, sharp teeth, and high agility, this has appropriately been nicknamed the name "Ninja Raptor", although some occassionally call it "Dino Samurai" due to its rather bulkier evolution.
Eevee:At one point this Pokemon was weak, common and ordinary, but a massive genetic experiments resulted in it becoming rare and still weak, but now capable of many evolutions though bizarre and less bizarre means.
Octillary:For many years, scientists have attempted to explain how Remoraid evolves into this octopus-like Pokemon, but no one has succeeded yet.
Dragonite:Throughout history, people have mistaken this Pokemon for an animated stuffed Pokemon. Today it has been nicknamed "the bloated Pokemon". Nobody knows why Dragonair undergoes such drastic change durin its evolution yet.
Farfetch'd:A traditional holiday dish recently found to be able to battle as well. Its leek goes great with butter.
Beedrill:In recent years, Beedrill attacks have been on the rise as they have slowly become Orrecanized, resulting in seemingly random attacks with little to no provocation.
Ursaring:Although wild Ursaring are typically harmless, during three months of the year they go on hormonal rampages and aim to kill anything in their path that is not an Ursaring.
Giratine:This highly misunderstood Pokemon became so depressed over people assuming it was evil that it became goth and started hanging around graveyards all the time.
Fione:This Tiny Tim of Pokemon results when a Manaphy attempts to defy nature by reproducing with a mate instead of splitting in half like a good Manaphy should. Although adorable, they actually hate the world and everyone in it and constantly plot to destroy everything.

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
Cool, people like this thread. :)

Fuwante: These pokemon are originally born to get a second chance in going to heaven, but only 12.3% do, mainly because most of them try to bring children to hell.

Elrade: This pokemon is a fearcly skilled battler whom is loyal to all humans. Especially to it's trainer. In October it gets an urge to mate with Gardevoir.

Snorunt: It is said that once a giant snorunt gave lost people shelter until they were fit enough to go home.


Powerplay Champion
Mr. Mime: A defensive psychic type...lesser known for it's uncanny aability as a sweeper...literally.
Porygon: When not inhabiting cyberspace, this pokemon enjoys giving small children seizures.
Diglett:A ground type Pokemon...and yes you pervs, it does resemble a penis.


So Zetta Slow!
Mr. Mime: A defensive psychic type...lesser known for it's uncanny aability as a sweeper...literally.
Porygon: When not inhabiting cyberspace, this pokemon enjoys giving small children seizures.
Diglett:A ground type Pokemon...and yes you pervs, it does resemble a penis.

That killed me laughing...hehe

Crobat: A pokemon doubt to be an evolve of Golbat through happiness because of its sad-like face.

Slakoth: Said to be the idol of many children these days.

Flygon: A pokemon that is able to float in mid-air by levitate even though it is under the ground

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Fuwaraido: No one know how this pokemon is said to evolve, however on examination its insides ahve found to be hollow. However, on dark nights when it passes in from of the moon, the outline of a gengar is rumoured to be seen within the sack



<!Seizure Enducing!>
Misdreavus likes to scare people out in the streets at night. It uses it's psychic skills to judge how the person will react to its mischief. It finds horrer enjoyable.

Tropius was once extinct in the rainforests, but was later found, bred in captivity, and is now living in only a small area in one land far away from Jhoto...

Umm what else can I think of on the spot...
Hikozaru likes to run around rainforests, but can unexpectedly cause huge forest fires when swinging in trees.

Ludicolo: Despite it's cheerful nature, Ludicolo has been known to scare small children much more than any other pokemon in existence.

Masquerain is commonly seen swarming around Butterfrees. Some say that one day they will breed to form a new species.


<-- Geodude is ANGRY
Gardevoir--> Because of all of the homosexual jokes, the male species has evolved into an entire different thing

medicham- Once it evolves it hides in it's cave, meditating for ten years, which increases it's power by so much more.

Starmie- To see which starmies get to breed, they have competitions where they use themselves as "frisbees"--> whoever wins gets to breed.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Muk: this pokemon is supposed to contain more power than any other pokemon, but it only uses a small amount of it to avoid being overused by stupid people.

Jirachi: this pokemon has the power to make wishes come true. Too bad pokemon never wishes fo anything else than HP.