May's brother
Now to the Maxtreme!
This thread is for those who have info that they think is possible for pokemon that is not stated in the pokedex or anywhere else. But no stupid stuff like: "Minomucchi flys by killing golbats and attatching their wings too it with duck tape" or anything like that. Extending current information sensibly is acceptable, too.
Now that I think i've made myself perfectly clear, i'll start with the magne- chain. Note that you don't have to do entire evo chains, I just wanted too.
Magnemite: The human-magnemite relationship has recently grown. The government stated that pokemon pounds can sell magnemite as pets.
Magneton: Scientists have recently found that whenever a magnemite that evolves with none around it, it takes two magnemite to join it from a random place in the world with it's incredebly strong magnetic force only displayable during evolution to make a magneton.
Jibacoil: Jibacoil has the power to send both radio and magnetical transmissions, which can be a nuisense to popular radio stations throughout the globe. Jibacoil don't mean to do this, though.
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Now that I think i've made myself perfectly clear, i'll start with the magne- chain. Note that you don't have to do entire evo chains, I just wanted too.
Magnemite: The human-magnemite relationship has recently grown. The government stated that pokemon pounds can sell magnemite as pets.
Magneton: Scientists have recently found that whenever a magnemite that evolves with none around it, it takes two magnemite to join it from a random place in the world with it's incredebly strong magnetic force only displayable during evolution to make a magneton.
Jibacoil: Jibacoil has the power to send both radio and magnetical transmissions, which can be a nuisense to popular radio stations throughout the globe. Jibacoil don't mean to do this, though.
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