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Fake pokemon screenshots.


Well-Known Member
Tell me what you think of it.

What if the first pokemon to be revealed in each generation appeared in the previous generation games?

This is what Togepi would look like if it appeared in Pokemon Yellow, since Togepi was revealed before Pokemon Yellow came out.

This is what Kecleon would look like if it appeared in Pokemon Crystal, since Kecleon was revealed before Pokemon Crystal came out.

This is what Munchlax would look like if it appeared in Pokemon Emerald, since Munchlax was revealed before Pokemon Emerald came out.

In an old thread one person assume Togepi was going to be in Pokemon Yellow, Kecleon would appear in Pokemon Crystal, and Munchlax would appear in Pokemon Emerald.
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Well-Known Member
those are awsome


Oh noes, toast =O
Basically, the Togepi is just a recolour, the Keckleon needs work on the palette, shading, anatomy, pretty much evrything and the Munchlaz sprite isn't even yours.