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fakemon card


Shiny Hunter
plz dont crit the pic



this is my first card did i get it wright?
he is from a hack i made he is the grass starter
base was from zeo.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
It's cute. I'll give you that.


Sun cat
Ohh its so cute! You did it pretty right! Did u name it yourselvfe?


Blaziken rules!

Very great! I wouldn't be able to do it myself.


<Him & Mudkip PWN U!
nice!but the outline looks a bit wonky...
cute idea though!


Leave my posts alone
Yeah, read the tutorial to make it look real.

But Quill! Awww!!! Looks like a baby Tyranitar/Treecko mix


Buizel bui, Buizel!
sooooooooooooooooooooo cute, but i want the three starters & there evo's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


formerly R. New
Bad grammar, bad spelling, retreat cost too high for a little Pokémon like that, stuff missing off it that should be there for it to look real. And even though you told us not to crit the pic, there's nothing you can do about it: bad pic. Therefore 10 - 5 bad things = 5/10. Better than the other one I just rated, though.
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Well-Known Member
have pound be a star energy or even that new no energy thing on the DP starters. it makes more sense.