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Fakemon into Sprites request thread!!!

Shiny Spoink

Soul Trainer
~Shiny Spoink's Requests~

I'm doing requests for Dark Pokemon, Pokeballs, and I turn fakemon art into sprites.
Dark Pokemon rules:
1.Color(blue, purple, etc)
3.*Extras(pitchfork, big fangs, etc)

Pokeball rules:
1.Ball(normal, great, ultra, master, etc)

Fakemon sprite rules:
1: Pic or description of fakemon
2:*Name, ability, biography, etc

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Can i have one I have no pictures i discribe for you:the for legs: are from stantler (clour pink)
back legs :have none but a tail of dewgong(coluor pink)
Eyes:big and cute eyes
head:Has a puppy like head(colour pink ears yellow)
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Shiny Spoink

Soul Trainer
i finished them but my image hoster is undergoing maintenance. sorry

Shiny Spoink

Soul Trainer
Done!!!heres your fakemon
if they are different than what you wanted, just tell me!


Wow it's good . Can you make another one?
Body-cyndaquil coluor dark green
head-politoed with eyes dark green
Wings of golbat colour orginal
fire at his back of cyndaquil
Muonth-of golbat colour dark bleu


Chaotic Dreamer
Wow, those are really good. Do you think you could try This?
And i know theres no eyes... When you make them can you kinda make them look like Ninetales eyes but dark blue? Thank you and take your time.



Well-Known Member
;330;Wow, I have ton's of Fakemon. The first is Flameevee. Basically eevee with Flareons ruff. The fluff needs to be alternating red and yellow in a pattern like first ruff red, second fluff yellow. The tail needs to also be a flareons, but brown with a yellow end. It has a huge evolution, so I will be back regularly.

Shiny Spoink

Soul Trainer
what a ruff?oh, and i use microsoft paint


I have many fakemon, feel free to go to my thread(in sig) and see which one you'd like to turn into a sprite. ^^ Many thanks in advance.

Shiny Spoink

Soul Trainer
It confuses me, try a different pose... I made the others thoughhere!!! and here!!! tell me if they are not what you wanted. and i will do yours later since you have so many...
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Marty MC

wow i just luv it anyway am little spriter myself and i have a little question for ya when i try to make fakemon i always use one pokemon ase base but they look so perfect i mean i can't really figure out the base poekmon and it seems that u make them like a pro*thumbsup* anyway can ya now make a final poekmon from here and after that i can animate it or i just ask help for sumone to animate them into one anyway in case u forgoten the link here it is;) http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/5326/fakestarter15ds.png

Shiny Spoink

Soul Trainer
the first base was mew, second was zangoose ;231; my cousin who is obsessesed with phanphy made me put it in here

Marty MC

Shiny Spoink said:
the first base was mew, second was zangoose ;231; my cousin who is obsessesed with phanphy made me put it in here
i never noticed those u make them like soo good anyway now i see it btw i thought that u will take a ratata for for the first base:p so any ideas what will be the next base?


These look pretty good

Can you make this Fakemopn into a sprite. Its wings are like Charizards so the flappy part will be red. The boidy will be Orange and its eyes can be any colour