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Fakemon Name Help *updated on 10/7/22*


Well-Known Member
new fakemon to be given a name :>

pre-evo of larvesta
bug type?/bug & fire type? i'm not sure... little help?



Well-Known Member
Cute Salamander = Cutsem (Also a pun on Cuts 'em)

Poison Salamander = Poisander, Poisam

Ice Salamander = Isala, Icander, Issander


Pre-evo of Koffing

Puffing? Huffing?

i think isala sounds cute, too, though :3

i think i'll take it :>


On a quest to be the best...


Well-Known Member

Assuming Druddigon is meant to mean Ruddy (Red) Dragon, & assuming this one's wings are yellow..

Drellion? (Dragon + Yellow)
Druambrr (Dragon + Amber)
Dragolld (Dragon + Gold)

ooh! the first one sounds so cute! :D

thanks :3

& i've decided to keep tentacool & tentacruel's names as they are... i think they're nicer then their regular forms, despite their names :3
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Assuming Druddigon is meant to mean Ruddy (Red) Dragon, & assuming this one's wings are yellow..

Drellion? (Dragon + Yellow)
Druambrr (Dragon + Amber)
Dragolld (Dragon + Gold)

you are so right with what you said about druddigan... i looked on bulbapedia & it literally said ''Druddigon may be a combination of dragon and ruddy (reddish in color)''

it also said that ''The name also appears to show Welsh influences. These include the dd, a common digraph in the Welsh language, and the ending -igon being comparable to Welsh -igion. Wales has also had a long association with dragons, with one being featured on its flag. "Drudd" may also be a corruption of "dread", due to Druddigon's fearsome appearance and strength. It may also be derived from drudgery. ''


Well-Known Member
new fakemon to be given a name :3


pre-evo of heatmor *i may or may not make a heatmor regional variant*

fire type


pre-evo of durant


their antenna's & that part of their tails are made of steel

*the anteater pokemon is this pokemon's natural predator*


pre-evo of silicobra

ground type


On a quest to be the best...
“ pre-evo of durant”
Tinnant (Tin + ant)


Well-Known Member
2 days ago, i thought about bringing back my 2 stage electric sheep fakemon :>


electric type



electric type

but.... i think they ''might'' need new names....
i haven't used them since i posted them on deviantart at Sep 18, 2016

hitsuko means ''hitsuji *sheep in japanese* + ko *child/kid in japanese* but i totally forget what it's evo's name means... so it might need a brand new one... both of them, maybe


On a quest to be the best...
I think the names you gave them back then are great. :)


On a quest to be the best...
Maybe Ramuzappu? (Ram Zap, run through Google translate.)


King of heroes
2 days ago, i thought about bringing back my 2 stage electric sheep fakemon :>


electric type



electric type

but.... i think they ''might'' need new names....
i haven't used them since i posted them on deviantart at Sep 18, 2016

hitsuko means ''hitsuji *sheep in japanese* + ko *child/kid in japanese* but i totally forget what it's evo's name means... so it might need a brand new one... both of them, maybe
You looking for japanese names? Hmm…since we’re going for a feminine appeal…how about hitsuhime? (hitsuji + ohime (princess))


Well-Known Member
You looking for japanese names? Hmm…since we’re going for a feminine appeal…how about hitsuhime? (hitsuji + ohime (princess))

i wasn't really looking for japanese names, per say... & it's not really feminine appeal... :>

it has a name now, though ... it's name is ''Hitseptric'' *electric +sheep+hitsuko*

thanks, though :>

*i put those two my pokedex entries help thread :> *