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Fakemon Name Help *updated on 10/7/22*


Well-Known Member
new fakemon to be given a name :>


*based off the change card from cardcaptors*
dark/psychic *cause it's under The Dark section & it switched li & kero's minds and bodies with eachother*



Well-Known Member
Looks like a xenomorph and is orange so…..xenorange?

he's originally blue in his cardcaptors debut episode *you don't have to use that though*

the name; hmmm... mayybe..... i'm not sure about that one...
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On a quest to be the best...

Pronounced Fry-key. From Psychic & Freaky Friday, the old Disney movie where people switch bodies.


On a quest to be the best...


On a quest to be the best...
Let’s see...

Fulltail (Fluffy Tail)
Flufftail (Same)
Scurrynut (Scurry Nut)


Well-Known Member


It's not a game Kate.
Heres some names inspired by taxinomical animal names.

Grass 1 - Floridae ( from Flora + Mustelidae +holiday)

grass 2 - Blossoat (from blossom + stoat)

grass 3 - Martres (from Martes matres (a pine marten's taxinomical name), tree, and Tres since it's the third form)

fire 1- Flaninae (flame + Caninae)

fire 2 - Ulpinfernus (from vulpini (-V), inferno and furnace (corrupted into fernus)


Well-Known Member
Heres some names inspired by taxinomical animal names.

Grass 1 - Floridae ( from Flora + Mustelidae +holiday)

grass 2 - Blossoat (from blossom + stoat)

grass 3 - Martres (from Martes matres (a pine marten's taxinomical name), tree, and Tres since it's the third form)

fire 1- Flaninae (flame + Caninae)

fire 2 - Ulpinfernus (from vulpini (-V), inferno and furnace (corrupted into fernus)
i already have names for them now... but thanks, anyway :3