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Fakemon teamwork

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Dont say anything if you dont like it,but I thoght it would be easier to make a Pokemon genaration if people worked together on it. So if you want to post about your ideas here.

News: (The right hand men aren't on any more,so I might need more. Job offers are open. Need Rabbox,Wispyre,and Wraithorn evo. )

Web page link on page 20 thanks to Darkfall. There is a link to the art to this thread on page 29
Workers: Deoxisnator/right hand man 1,Robotwind/right hand man 2 Darkfall/editor,Polersine/dex helper
EDIT:pokedex data

001 Koalte,grass ,discription:?, the kuala Pokemon
002 Panlt,grass,fighting discription:?,the panda Pokemon
003 Kanlti,grass,fighting,discription:?,the kangaroo Pokemon
004 Draok,fire,discription:? ,the medeor dragon Pokemon
007 Wotoc,water,discription:?,the water cloud Pokemon
008 Agtron,water,electic,discription:?,the thunder cloud Pokemon
009 Hurrider,water,psy,discriptions:?,the tornado Pokemon
010 Diggoru,ground,discription:? ,the ground rat Pokemon
011 Diggamaru,ground,discription:?,the ground weasle Pokemon
012 Tocanu,grass,flying,discription:? ,the tropical bird Pokemon
013 Treovu,grass,flying,discription:?,the tropical tree bird Pokiemon
014 Rabbox,Psy,discription:? , the trunk rabbit Pokemon pic. on page 33
016 Woltin,dark,discription:? , the baby wolf Pokemon
017 Wolark,dark,discription:? ,the wolf Pokemon
018 Cyoti,dark,steel,discription:? ,the cyote Pokemon
019 Plaud,bug,flying,discription:? ,the grass hopper Pokemon
020 Spcoon,bug,discription:? ,the cocoon Pokemon
021 Flowtis,bug,flying,discription:? ,the praing mantice Pokemon
022 Mauder,bug,ground,discription:? ,the masqito Pokemon
023 Cadavreth,bug,ghost,discription:?,the shead Pokemon
024 Wazome,bug,flying,discription:?,the wasp Pokemon
025 Tamtera,dark,flying,discription:?,the yong terror Pokemon
026 Popom,normal,discription:?,the baby monky Pokemon
027 Kunga,Light,discription,:?,the pouch Pokemon,version1
028 Kanguskist,fighting,discription:?,the male kangaroo Pokemon
029 Killamussa,grass,dark,discription:?,the bite Pokemon
030 Banepuu,ghost,disciption:?,the scare Pokemon
031 Laporsa,water,ice,discription:?,the sea Pokemon
032 Infernine,fire,dark,discription:?,the mutt Pokemon
033 Sleaf,grass,bug,discription:?,the slug Pokemon,version2
034 Wereyana,dark,discription:?,the werewolf Pokemon
035 Largodon,fire,psy,discription:?,the giant slug Pokemon
036 Spikono,ground,poison,discription:?,the desert lizzerd Pokemon
037 Hocas,Psy,fighting,discription:?,the monk Pokemon
038 Barichi,grass,light,discription:?,the beary Pokemon
039 Premtorb,light,discription:?,the pokeball Pokemon pic.on page 33
040 Ultrode,light,discription:?,the pokeball Pokemon
041 Theuse,dark,discription:?,the theif Pokemon
042 Failax,light,ghost,discription:?,the daze Pokemon
043 Avflucks,flying,light,discription:?,the rainbow Pokemon
044 Calphitito,light,discription:?,the calf Pokemon
045 Chaoshin,ghost,fighting,discription:? the trick Pokemon
046 Polursine,normal,ice,discription:? the polar bear Pokemon
047 Etheremor,steel,ghost,discription:? the emotionless Pokemon
048 Shoguin,Ice,Electric,discription:? the Shock Pinguin Pokemon
049 Desoring,rock,water,discription:? the kangaroo rat Pokemon
050 Wispyre,ghost,fire,discription:? the wisp Pokemon
052 Wraithorn,ghost,grass,discription:? the holow Pokemon
??? Volcage,fire,ground,discription:?,the volcano Pokemon
??? Hurrigloom,normal,thunder,discription:?,the hurracane Pokemon
??? Tsudizee,water,psy,discription:?,the tital wave Pokemon

Evil Team data:
Team Darkfire Leader:Blackburn wants:Volcage

Team Darkcloud Leader: Shadowhail wants:Hurrigloom

1st toun:New wind toun,small port toun. get starters here.Rivels and you live here. Prof.Maple lives here.(girl)
Route 301 Pokemon 1-10:popom:6,Diggoru:2,Mauder:4,Kunga,Day:4,version1,Sleaf,night: 4,version2,Taillow,Day:5,version 2,Pigey,night:5,version 1
2nd town:Kongo village,small wood forest village. Fight opposit gender rivel wile leaving.
Kongo forest Pokemon: Kunga,:3,Plaud:2,Tocanu,day:5,Popom:4,Sabomi:6
3rd toun:Seaofe city: large rich city,Gym:Mr. Comata Pokemon:Konga girl lv.9,Sleaf boy lv.9,Tangla girl lv.11,he ouns Kongo village,and is the Mayer.
Seaofe forest Pokemon:Sleaf:3,Mauder:2,Toconu,day:5,Popom:4,Mascipa:6
Last edited:


Knight of Oblivion
sounds good to me!!!

i think that they should add a new type, an opposite of dark

like LIGHT and make pokemon like Togepi and it's evos in it....


I'm glad to see a Thread like this one.

Ontopic: That will be great Pikaman! :D
A generation with Fakemon from other people accross the world. I draw sometimes on my Pc or just on a piece of paper Fakemon-like drawings.


Well-Known Member
Nice! I'll come up with some ideas.... let me think...... Wouldn't it be cool if there were a pokemon game that lets you create your own starter? Like in lego star wars 2, where you created your own charecter with differnt pieces and body parts!


Brains for brawn
Okay, first off, no. GAME FREAK is doing just fine, thank you.
And please search a bit more before making a thread.
However, in the hype of the new Pokémon from Diamond and Pearl, I don't blame you.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
You'll be banned for spam if you continue to post multiple times in a row. Stop it and read the rules.

darkydude o doom

new starter types like...

fighting dark and psycic

water ground and lightning

fire ice and ground

and i cant think of any other ill sugest some other pokemon soon

and can you really make a game out fakemon just wondering


Venusaur The Best
I don't really like bug types that much but a legandary would be cool it could be a giant queen ant or something also wind type pokemon strong against fire weak against rock


Venusaur The Best
I gave a description of them giant ant queen (red) um i cant think ... loads of eyes and also thge wind types could be birds like pidgey and tailow


Exsample:Tapple Grass starter (grass type) :Tapple is a worm that became a turtule with a apple shell. It feeds of energy the apple collects.


Well-Known Member
It's true! Fuisions would be awsome! Imagine a Charitoise(Charizrd and Blastoise) with the cannons on it's back and the wings and all!

cecil 090

chaos of the night
ok i have some starters ive had under my hat for awhile now so here they are but some of them dont have names yet.. =(

grass type-
name: Koalte
Koala pokemon
color: grey with green leaves around it's neck
description- Koalte loves to hang around it trees for most of the day. When threatened Koalte's 3 claws on each of it's front paws become vines which it uses to attack its foes.
Main attack- Vine whip

Water type-
Name: Salander
Water newt pokemon
color- blue with a yellow belly and yellow spiotys all over it's body
Description- Salander's tend to spend most of their time in the water but will come on land to feed. Unlike the common newt Salander's walk on 2 legs on land and all 4's in the water which gives it fighting capabilities.
Main attack- Aqua punch

Fire type-
Fire bird pokemon
color- bright red with a head like peraps, it's wings are red and yellow.
Description- Phenalk's tend to live near the tops of active volcanoes which it would dive into to evolve. THis pokemon was once believed to be a volcano god after a mass evolution ritual which made a dormat volcano erupt.

i still need to think of their evos but let me know if ya like um


Elite Fire Trainer
for legandaries maybe a griffin and a chimera like things
i was making a fire/dragon or fire/flying griffin named Gryfion
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