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Falkner's piggeoto


Well-Known Member
Well, in the same Game, Lance had a Dragonite Level in the late 40s. Also, in R/B/Y, your rival seems to evolve his Pokemon before the Level it should evolve.


super noob
And of course the rival in G/S somehow has access to Mt. Silver to get a Sneasel. But for the Pidgeotto, he caught it in Viridian Forest.

woot21 out dawgs

oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
in my gold i have seen and caught

L:15 Muk---celedon city
L:10 Venomoth---route 24
L:10 Sandslash--- mount moon (gold only)
L:07 Araidos--- Viridian forest/route 2 (gold only)
L:07 Pidgeotto--- viridian forest/route 2
L:07 Fearow--- route 22
L:05+ Furret--- route 1 (morning only/rare)

the list goes on!!!
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First, it's Lv9.

Second, it's because a Gym Leader with 2 Pidgeys is kind of...not intimidating. Or impressive. At all.

For the reasons above, as well as making it the strongest Lv9 Pokemon you'll face in the game.

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
I found it funny that I encountered a level 6 Raticate in Route 1 earlier today.

It's called Pokenip, kids, and it's bad for your health.
And of course the rival in G/S somehow has access to Mt. Silver to get a Sneasel. But for the Pidgeotto, he caught it in Viridian Forest.

woot21 out dawgs
Not quite. It's actually that Sneasel is the Pokemon he steals from the guy who complains that his Pokemon was stolen. That's what I saw on another web site.


super noob
Seeing as he says he still has one more, I believe it is a Shuckle, that he stole. That is just speculating anyways, also how did that guy get a Sneasel in G/S if he can't get to Mt. Silver?

woot21 out dawgs

oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
ah i remember that shukle guy.

it's most likey your rival stole a sneasel from him, and there's prove in the dialogue.

as for pokemon like falkners pidgeotto, it's the one from viridian forest, no dout about it.
Lol, classic Lv 9 Pidgeotto, The Biggest disgrace and controlvesrsal of all the Gym Leaders, the only one with single digit Levels.

Anyone know why the levels are so low compared to the first Gen?


The PokeMaster!
In the Elite Four, Lance has three Dragonites: Lv. 47, Lv. 47 and Lv. 50.
Falkner has a Pidgeotto: Lv. 9
A fisherman in the Lake of Rage has a Gyarados Lv. 10...
I caught a Lv. 7 Furret on Route 1...
And a Cooltrainer under Blackthorn City has a Pidgeot Lv. 25.

There is probably tonnes more, but I just listed those now. Gold and Silver were a bit messed up.

oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
They made going through the storyline easy, but levelling up to Lv 100 hell I guess :p

so true. why is the elite four and gym leaders under leveled.

i was hoping, when the game came out that, Will (psychic member) would have a L.50 squad.

i was wrong---it was L.40-42 squad. shame on you, Will!!!


Lol, classic Lv 9 Pidgeotto, The Biggest disgrace and controlvesrsal of all the Gym Leaders, the only one with single digit Levels.

Anyone know why the levels are so low compared to the first Gen?

There are TWO regions.
That's why all the levels in Johto are dummed down. If it was JUST Johto, then the levels would be higher.

That goes all the way up to the Elite Four, which leads us to the other poll... o.o

Super Wario 64

Giggity GOO!
Lv14/Lv16 Weezing (Crystal only)
I might seen some Lv14 Gravelers and Golbats too in Crystal. :)
As I said before, who gave Falkuner the license to be a Gym Leader? He's a disgrace to the Gym Leader's Association!

Shame on them for allowing this bullcrap in!

If you look at it, you have to travel 1 1/2 cities for a start, then go back, and then go back again. Surely your Pokemon would be beyond Level 10 by then!


Ah, but I beg to differ.

The game is built so that you Pokemon level up to about or around 50 when defeating the Elite 4. You can go to Kanto where the challenges get up to almost Lv60 (excluding Red).

Beyond Lv10, maybe. Yes, my Chikorita got to Lv10 before I was even able to capture Pokemon. However, level does not always equal challenge. Falkner was pretty hard the first time around (even with Cyndaquil). Come on, Sand Attacks repeatedly, and then annoying further with Mud Slaps. It's strategy, not pure power.

And he's the FIRST Gym Leader, so he's not supposed to be a serious challenge.

If I recall, Brock was somewhat of a pushover in RBY if you leveled up enough. However, RBY had ONE region and was arguably the hardest of the games to date.