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Fan Sprites Rules <-- READ >O!

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Well-Known Member
Merged due to excessive amount of stickies O:

1. Do not ask for Requests in this forum. For that we have FAN ART REQUESTS.

2. Suggestions are allowed but do not make the thread into a Request thread.

3. DO NOT STEAL SPRITES [Look @ Stealing Sprites Info Below for more Info lol]

4. Do NOT post images in .BMP format. Current posts w/ images that are .bmp are allowed just so it doesnt cause trouble for the user. [Look @ Image Format Info Below]

5. No "Team _________" Threads. [Look @ Team ________ Threads Below]

6. No posting single sprite threads. Put your sprites in ONE THREAD. http://serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=72572

7. No Project Threads. This includes devamps/revamps, game projects, etc. SCROLL DOWN for more info.

CONTEST RULES - by SapphireDewgong

NEW - No extending the CONTEST END DATE which you sent in the Contest Approval PM.

This has just gotten to the point where, well, yes, we need to bring it down on you.

The sprite contests are getting out of hand. Some are successful (which is okay) but some are made by a nameless extra which sits and rots and sinks to the bottom and is nothing but a waste of space. So, I consulted with the proper dudes and dudettes, and this is what we came up with:

From now on, you may only PM a mod if you wish to hold a sprite contest. You must ALSO include a reason, theme, and time limit for the contest in your PM.

There will be no more random and idiotic contests spamming up this forum. None whatsoever without permission. And just to make SURE you got permission, you gotta include, somewhere in the topic/post, which mod approved of your contest. So we know you're not trying to fly under the radar.

Also, if anyone is willing to help with holding an OFFICIAL sprite contest monthly, similar to the one Sandra likes to do in the regular forum, I've gotten one reliable offer already but if you think you're just as trustworthy and want to help, then go ahead and PM me and I'll give you the thumbs up or down. But be warned, you're probably going to be rejected.

Stealing Sprites Info - by Snagger Outlaw

Alright. Following a rash of accused thefts, I'm giving you all a lesson on what's stealing what's not.

You aren't the only one who comes up with mixes. Keep in mind SPPf has over 5,000 members. So if you made a jolteon/flareon hybrid (Like this:
Without the added stuff) It wouldn't be stealing. If you took my custom sprite (With the hair, robotic arm, and bar code marking) and claimed it as your own, that's stealing

If you report a false theft, it can screw up your entire reputation as a spriter. Look before you leap.

And the excuse "THEY JUST EDITED THE COLOR AND ADDED STUFF OMG!!1" is not an excuse. Sprite thieves usually never take time to upload to their own image hoster or even recolor your sprite. After all, the point is you're so lazy you won't make your own sprite.

More on Stealing Sprites - by DeltaSuicune

The technical definition for the really dense ****tards out there...

Sprite theft includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:

The age old click-and-save, rename, upload, and claiming for your own work.
Someone else obviously made the sprite punk, so it's a matter of being found out or not if you post it elsewhere, and most good spriters are known across the community or have contacts, so don't try your luck.

Modification of someone's sprite and claiming it as your own.
Taking a sprite from somewhere, changing a few things, be it recolour, cut and paste more parts onto it, or whatever, but it's an edit you're doing, not otherwise, and the base sprite creator would be greviously offended at what you've done. Often a simple act of defacing their work since editors often lack the sprite skill to make the spawn product look decent. See above comment on not trying to pull BS on the community.

Using someone else's sprite as a base and saying you made it from scratch.
From scratch means that you started with a blank white canvas, started drawing the outlines with the pencil tool, and did EVERYTHING yourself, NOT using a base of another sprite to assist you, be it flipped, inverted, mangled with scaling tricks, using parts of other sprites, or otherwise using modification techniques, at all! Stop claiming nonsense when you know it's not true, people are smarter than you think.

Listen, it boils down to what the people who made the sprites claim in their Usage/Permission statement(s). Some people like Soara at PokeSho state in their disclaimer that all images on this website are now free images and do not require credit for if used. Just please do my server a favour and do not hotlink. Obviously people can't read that since it's in Japanese, but there are many many many people who use his sprites (I won't mention names). Does he care? No. Do the users care? Obviously no, they stole them to begin with, but were saved by a disclaimer that they couldn't read to begin with.

If it says that the sprite doesn't require credit to the creator if it's used in sprite comics, so be it. If the sprite comic creator chooses to give credit, that's a nice recognition compliment, but is not required.
If the sprite creator says that all sprites used elsewhere require credit but don't need to be asked for usage with permission, so be it. The sprite comic creator is obligated to give credit, and is classed as "theft" if credit is not given.

If the sprite creator says that all sprites are not to be used elsewhere without explicit permission, then so be it. The sprite comic creator is not allowed to use the sprites without asking permission directly to the creator first, and is also required to give credit.



Image Format Info - by me >>;

As from now on, any picture/sprite with .BMP format are not allowed in sigs/posts. If you have problems saving to another format (.PNG, .JPG, etc.), PM me and I'll be glad to change it. This is was done to help the users who have slow internet connections for loading the forums. .BMPs just make the loading slower.

Team _________ Threads - by SapphireDewgong

No more "Team _____" threads anymore.

My reasoning behind this is that they are pointless. It defies the purpose of the Fan Sprite forum.

WTF? This is not the club forum. If you want to show off a team you personally created (NOT one already made), sure, fine, using sprites.

NOT one people can join.

It totally defeats the purpose of Fan Sprites, which is to showcase the sprites you fused/recolored/created/animated. Does this look like a club forum to you? Do you notice a trend here?

Well, I'm stopping that trend. I dislike it and I'll step in and be the meanie mod just this once.

No more, okay?

Multiple threads for sprites - by SapphireDewgong

Please, from now on, post all your sprites in one thread and do not continually make new threads for every new sprite you make. It's getting somewhat spammy. This only applies to Fan Sprites, however.




Well-Known Member
No more PROJECTS (Merged)

This has just gotten to as big a deal as the "__________ Team" threads.

NO MORE DEVAMPING/REVAMPING PROJECTS. They are a waste of space, never get finished, get duplicated, etc. No freaking point in them. With this I mean the pokemon sprite ones. NOT the Game Map revampz.

So yeah :]. Read and follow~.


PS : Dragonair says Tikal pwnz these threads k? k

Enough with the crap here, must we continue to add rules like this or do you people not have a thing called common sense and moderation?

First of all, read the description underneath the Fan Sprites, it clearly says that: "Post your Fan Made Sprites Here". This does NOT include all these damn irrelevant game projects that are a compilation of screenshots, sprite requests, and game designer recruitment drives. It's for SHOWCASING YOUR OWN WORK, not hybridizing the production line so you can disguise your diabloical scheme to sideswipe all the sprites possible and run off with them into the night.

Second of all, notice the fact that there's all these bloody projects popping up like mice babies on fertility drugs? I see 4 on the first page alone. First we have to ban all these fan sprite contests a few months ago, next we have to ban devamp/revamp projects because everyone loves to bandwagon on popularity to compensate for their lack of skill, and now we are being forced to ban projects as well? I note most of you even fail to mention what purpose your project is being made for, and that only one hints at the fact that it's a romhack, what are the rest of you doing then, just making a graphical overhaul on a fanfic? Make your own website for that jeebus. I'll say it again if you missed it earlier, this is the Fan Sprites section, not Fan Games section. And for the note, SPP doesn't like fangame projects, so go visit PC where they will love you openly for this.

Another note to you illiterate punks, this is NOT A PLACE TO REQUEST SPRITES FOR YOUR NEFARIOUS DEEDS, THERE'S A LOVELY PLACE CALLED FAN ART REQUESTS JUST ONE CATEGORY UP, USE IT!! Grow up if you need to, the internet isn't a nice place to people who can't read or type properly.


Verdict pending for the existing projects.
spallding_PP said:
You . . . gits. This is totally unfair Me and my team were the first to come up with this whole idea and we had gotten so far. Now we've had to move everything. Your loss.
Dude, your thread had so much spam in it, it's not even funny. >_>

This forum is getting stricter and stricter, making people quit. We're being constricted into a small space full of shades of grey. It's just not fun anymore.
We're strict because the forum is a place to show off your sprites, and people make threads compiling everyone elses? I fail to see how that is strict at all.

This is a Fan sprites forum. Not a Fan Project Forum. If you really needed that project, then just make a forum for it, usuing proboards/whatever. Fan Sprites is for people showing off their sprites in their own threads. Do you really want "_____ Project" as the whole forum? :/ No one was complaining about it before, when we didn't have them. So, stop complaining, and stop crying abotu MS and his "Unfairness."
You win. :D

Medical Meccanica

give me the booty
Yes, I understand where you and the other mods are coming from. But with the banning of everything but displaying and critiquing sprites, it's getting boring.

I suggest having the "Pm approval" rule, but with certain guidlines, like you can only pm your project to a mod if you're going to do something worthwhile with the finished sprites, no game projects, ect.


Oddish plzkthnxbai
masquerainmistress said:
Yes, I understand where you and the other mods are coming from. But with the banning of everything but displaying and critiquing sprites, it's getting boring.

I suggest having the "Pm approval" rule, but with certain guidlines, like you can only pm your project to a mod if you're going to do something worthwhile with the finished sprites, no game projects, ect.

I agree, it should be like contests(which I wouldnt be surprised if they were next to go)were you need to pm a mod for approval.

Silver Fusion

Hyper Coordinator
Spallding you don't get it do you? Projects have cluttered this forum so much some spriters packed thier bags and left spriting because we just get replies and our threads were pushed back because people ignored them. Fan Sprites is a forum to show sprites and get comments not join this project.

Medical Meccanica

give me the booty
spallding_PP said:
Will you all just STFU and listen for a moment. Sunburst, you are not god. You don't care about other people's feelings. This thread is like a 'I'm locking everything and don't care what you have to say.' And if you don't mind my project is nearly finished thank you very much. So if you don't like it, fine it's your opinion. But don't take it out on us because you have no right to do that.

Umm... dude. I understand how you feel, but Sunburst is a MOD. M. O. D. Moderator. Blessed with power. They can suggest to the admins to ban you for saying things like that. Tack up a poster of an orange in your room and stab it with a knife for all we care, but don't tell a mod to STFU. Debate, suggest ideas, leave the forum, anything but that.

I'm not sucking up, I'm just beign realistic ._.


Mammoth Master!
I am making a fangame, so where should which forum should they go to now?


uhn... But the Map Project is approved, so.... Mine project of a Fakedex is accepted or not? x_x


Well-Known Member
MS, i told you that they were becoming like the team threads in a PM, you said there was hardly any of them, i was just predicting the future, i was right


relly because of the new rule, MM and spallding p are gonna be kinda suspended anyway, serebii joe said that (ST*U) was offensive and wasnt taking any abreveations like that


Originally Posted by spallding_PP
Will you all just STFU and listen for a moment. Sunburst, you are not god. You don't care about other people's feelings. This thread is like a 'I'm locking everything and don't care what you have to say.' And if you don't mind my project is nearly finished thank you very much. So if you don't like it, fine it's your opinion. But don't take it out on us because you have no right to do that.

Spallding_PP.. Really, come on. The forum's name is FAN SPRITES. Sprites, you see, does not have project anywhere in it. MS is not a god. Nor is he trying to be. Mods are ment to enforce rules so the forums don't get spam filled, and n00b ridden. He's doing his job. If many people were complaining about projects were annloying, and spamming up the forum, a mod is going to see that the spam is killed. The threads were causing too amny off topic, spam posts. Do we really need whole spam threads?

Everyone, just be quiet about the projects. --; They're gone. No amount of pointless whining is going to get them back. Mods won't keep open a person's sprite thread becuase of spam, Mods won't keep projects open becuase of spam.

Medical Meccanica

give me the booty
fragile_creature said:
relly because of the new rule, MM and spallding p are gonna be kinda suspended anyway, serebii joe said that (ST*U) was offensive and wasnt taking any abreveations like that
I didn't tell anyone to STFU, I was reffering to it in my post... is that a crime?

Dr. MECha

Prof. of Pokeology
I have a question though about the no project rules. Does that mean that we are not allow to post Devamps and Revamps at all, or that all project relating the two should be locked. I also wondering if it was really nessisary to post all your new spritework (or artwork) at the starting post of *your name here* sprite topic for easier veiwing.


Um.. a question.

I know double/triple/etc.-posting is generally hated by all, but is it OK when your post hasn't gotten any replies recently and is drifting toward the third or fourth page?

Also, I don't mean a post with nothing but "*Bump*" or something like that, but an actual update.


I think you can if you have some thing good enougf to post like a new sprit dont post saying
sombody please post some thing...Snif...Sniff :(

Post a sprite or pixal art

To me I realy dont think it maters because after awile people stop looking at them cheak mine out for yourself


Heh, yeah.. I wasn't planning on doing the "PLEASE POST SOMEBODY!" thing. I'm not really much of a "obsessed with getting people's attention"-type person, though I do like showing people stuff I made (most of the time).


I have a single question.

Are tutorials allowed in this forum? I just discovered a new way to make recoloring faster.


Master Pokémon Breeder
Do not ask for Requests in this forum. For that we have FAN ART REQUESTS.

Except that sprite requests clutter up the fanart request forum and make it impossible to find anything else, which I don't think is fair. I think there should be an official thread in this forum for sprite requests.
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