Well-Known Member
Merged due to excessive amount of stickies O:
1. Do not ask for Requests in this forum. For that we have FAN ART REQUESTS.
2. Suggestions are allowed but do not make the thread into a Request thread.
3. DO NOT STEAL SPRITES [Look @ Stealing Sprites Info Below for more Info lol]
4. Do NOT post images in .BMP format. Current posts w/ images that are .bmp are allowed just so it doesnt cause trouble for the user. [Look @ Image Format Info Below]
5. No "Team _________" Threads. [Look @ Team ________ Threads Below]
6. No posting single sprite threads. Put your sprites in ONE THREAD.
7. No Project Threads. This includes devamps/revamps, game projects, etc. SCROLL DOWN for more info.
CONTEST RULES - by SapphireDewgong
NEW - No extending the CONTEST END DATE which you sent in the Contest Approval PM.
Stealing Sprites Info - by Snagger Outlaw
More on Stealing Sprites - by DeltaSuicune
Image Format Info - by me >>;
Team _________ Threads - by SapphireDewgong
Multiple threads for sprites - by SapphireDewgong
Merged due to excessive amount of stickies O:
1. Do not ask for Requests in this forum. For that we have FAN ART REQUESTS.
2. Suggestions are allowed but do not make the thread into a Request thread.
3. DO NOT STEAL SPRITES [Look @ Stealing Sprites Info Below for more Info lol]
4. Do NOT post images in .BMP format. Current posts w/ images that are .bmp are allowed just so it doesnt cause trouble for the user. [Look @ Image Format Info Below]
5. No "Team _________" Threads. [Look @ Team ________ Threads Below]
6. No posting single sprite threads. Put your sprites in ONE THREAD.
7. No Project Threads. This includes devamps/revamps, game projects, etc. SCROLL DOWN for more info.
CONTEST RULES - by SapphireDewgong
NEW - No extending the CONTEST END DATE which you sent in the Contest Approval PM.
This has just gotten to the point where, well, yes, we need to bring it down on you.
The sprite contests are getting out of hand. Some are successful (which is okay) but some are made by a nameless extra which sits and rots and sinks to the bottom and is nothing but a waste of space. So, I consulted with the proper dudes and dudettes, and this is what we came up with:
From now on, you may only PM a mod if you wish to hold a sprite contest. You must ALSO include a reason, theme, and time limit for the contest in your PM.
There will be no more random and idiotic contests spamming up this forum. None whatsoever without permission. And just to make SURE you got permission, you gotta include, somewhere in the topic/post, which mod approved of your contest. So we know you're not trying to fly under the radar.
Also, if anyone is willing to help with holding an OFFICIAL sprite contest monthly, similar to the one Sandra likes to do in the regular forum, I've gotten one reliable offer already but if you think you're just as trustworthy and want to help, then go ahead and PM me and I'll give you the thumbs up or down. But be warned, you're probably going to be rejected.
Stealing Sprites Info - by Snagger Outlaw
Alright. Following a rash of accused thefts, I'm giving you all a lesson on what's stealing what's not.
You aren't the only one who comes up with mixes. Keep in mind SPPf has over 5,000 members. So if you made a jolteon/flareon hybrid (Like this:Without the added stuff) It wouldn't be stealing. If you took my custom sprite (With the hair, robotic arm, and bar code marking) and claimed it as your own, that's stealing![]()
If you report a false theft, it can screw up your entire reputation as a spriter. Look before you leap.
And the excuse "THEY JUST EDITED THE COLOR AND ADDED STUFF OMG!!1" is not an excuse. Sprite thieves usually never take time to upload to their own image hoster or even recolor your sprite. After all, the point is you're so lazy you won't make your own sprite.
More on Stealing Sprites - by DeltaSuicune
The technical definition for the really dense ****tards out there...
Sprite theft includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:
The age old click-and-save, rename, upload, and claiming for your own work.
Someone else obviously made the sprite punk, so it's a matter of being found out or not if you post it elsewhere, and most good spriters are known across the community or have contacts, so don't try your luck.
Modification of someone's sprite and claiming it as your own.
Taking a sprite from somewhere, changing a few things, be it recolour, cut and paste more parts onto it, or whatever, but it's an edit you're doing, not otherwise, and the base sprite creator would be greviously offended at what you've done. Often a simple act of defacing their work since editors often lack the sprite skill to make the spawn product look decent. See above comment on not trying to pull BS on the community.
Using someone else's sprite as a base and saying you made it from scratch.
From scratch means that you started with a blank white canvas, started drawing the outlines with the pencil tool, and did EVERYTHING yourself, NOT using a base of another sprite to assist you, be it flipped, inverted, mangled with scaling tricks, using parts of other sprites, or otherwise using modification techniques, at all! Stop claiming nonsense when you know it's not true, people are smarter than you think.
Listen, it boils down to what the people who made the sprites claim in their Usage/Permission statement(s). Some people like Soara at PokeSho state in their disclaimer that all images on this website are now free images and do not require credit for if used. Just please do my server a favour and do not hotlink. Obviously people can't read that since it's in Japanese, but there are many many many people who use his sprites (I won't mention names). Does he care? No. Do the users care? Obviously no, they stole them to begin with, but were saved by a disclaimer that they couldn't read to begin with.
If it says that the sprite doesn't require credit to the creator if it's used in sprite comics, so be it. If the sprite comic creator chooses to give credit, that's a nice recognition compliment, but is not required.
If the sprite creator says that all sprites used elsewhere require credit but don't need to be asked for usage with permission, so be it. The sprite comic creator is obligated to give credit, and is classed as "theft" if credit is not given.
If the sprite creator says that all sprites are not to be used elsewhere without explicit permission, then so be it. The sprite comic creator is not allowed to use the sprites without asking permission directly to the creator first, and is also required to give credit.
Image Format Info - by me >>;
As from now on, any picture/sprite with .BMP format are not allowed in sigs/posts. If you have problems saving to another format (.PNG, .JPG, etc.), PM me and I'll be glad to change it. This is was done to help the users who have slow internet connections for loading the forums. .BMPs just make the loading slower.
Team _________ Threads - by SapphireDewgong
No more "Team _____" threads anymore.
My reasoning behind this is that they are pointless. It defies the purpose of the Fan Sprite forum.
WTF? This is not the club forum. If you want to show off a team you personally created (NOT one already made), sure, fine, using sprites.
NOT one people can join.
It totally defeats the purpose of Fan Sprites, which is to showcase the sprites you fused/recolored/created/animated. Does this look like a club forum to you? Do you notice a trend here?
Well, I'm stopping that trend. I dislike it and I'll step in and be the meanie mod just this once.
No more, okay?
Multiple threads for sprites - by SapphireDewgong
Please, from now on, post all your sprites in one thread and do not continually make new threads for every new sprite you make. It's getting somewhat spammy. This only applies to Fan Sprites, however.